Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I Have a Service! Yay!

Hey everyone,

It's been another long while since I've written anything, and I apologize...yet again. It's been a crazy couple of weeks, but I've finally got some down time and figured that I was past due.

Today, I found out that my phone service shut off my connection. Apparently, the people in the store set up the plans wrong, and they had me under a sub account, which to make the story short, wasn't paid, therefore, they shut me off. Mike called and cleared things up and now I have a phone that works. Yay for texts and phone calls!

We've been getting a lot of rain here lately, which is great for our lawn...or what we are hoping turns into a lawn soon. I spent two hours mowing and trimming the yard last week, and wouldn't you know that I've got to do it again soon. Not really looking forward to it...it kind of sucks when you are allergic to the world. Oh well, I guess that's why we invented loratadine; love that stuff.

So let's get the big things out of the way...the recipes!

As you know, I usually make meals that require leftovers so that Mike has something to take in the next couple days for lunch at work. Here are a few that I made this last week.

Here's the recipe: Stuffed Chicken Breasts with Mushroom Sauce

1 2/3 cup hot water
4 tablespoons butter
6 boneless chicken breast halved and pounded 1/4 inch thick
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 package Stove Top chicken flavor stuffing mix
1 egg, beaten
2 tablespoons melted butter (optional)
1/2 cup water
1/4 teaspoon dill weed (or to taste)

Heat oven to 400*. Stir in hot water, 4 tablespoons of butter, and stuffing mix until butter is melted. Add stuffing crumbs and egg, stir until moistened. Spoon stuffing into each breast, wrap chicken around stuffing. Place seam side down in greased shallow pan. Brush with melted butter, if you choose to do this. Place any remaining stuffing around chicken. Bake 30-35 minutes. Heat soup, water and dill in saucepan. Serve over chicken.

Here's the recipe: Chicken Enchiladas

1 package of tortillas
2 cups shredded mozzarella
1 pound of chicken, cut into bite size pieces
1 medium to large onion diced
2 cans/jars of your favorite green chile sauce/salsa

Cook chicken in some olive oil in a saucepan until fully cooked. Place some chicken, onion and cheese into a tortilla, roll and place seam side down in a casserole dish. Pour green chile sauce over the entire batch until covered. Place remaining onions and cheese on top. Bake in 350* oven for 30 minutes.

Here's the recipe: Baked Cod and Bacon

1 medium onion, sliced
6 tablespoons butter, divided
1 pound of potatoes, parboiled and sliced
Sea salt and pepper to taste
4 cod steaks of any white fish
1/2 pound of smoke bacon
1 1/4 cup light cream
Chopped fresh parsley (optional)

Preheat oven to 350*. Saute onion in 4 tablespoons of butter until golden. Place some of the onion in the bottom of a baking dish and layer the sliced potatoes on top. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Put the cod steaks on top and cover with bacon and remaining onions. Bake for 15 minutes. Pour in cream and dot with remaining butter. Return to oven and bake for another 40 minutes. Cover with parsley and serve.


Here's the recipe: Easy Tiramisu Trifles

1 cup heavy whipping cream
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1 cup Ricotta cheese
1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder
1 tablespoon Kahlua (If you don't like Kahlua, you may sub this for 1 teaspoon vanilla. I used both.)
1 teaspoon instant espresso granules (I didn't use this, but will next batch)

For layering: 1 cup heavy cream with 2 tablespoons granulated sugar
1/2 cup chocolate cookie crumbs without cream

Combine whipping cream and sugar in food processor bowl fitted with metal blade. Process for 1 minute or until cream is stiff. Transfer whipped cream to a medium bowl and set aside. Do not clean the bowl from this step. Combine cheese, cocoa, and espresso in food processor. Process until blended.  Add cheese mixture to bowl with whipped cream and fold in with a rubber spatula until no white streaks remain. Transfer to dessert cups or brownie pan.

To assemble: Create the Tiramisu base according to the directions above. Layer it with freshly whipped cream and cookie crumbs. Finish them off with a sprinkling of chocolate shavings, fresh berries, or more cookie crumbs.

The tiramisu recipe was a surprise to Mike. He really likes that dessert, so when I found a quick and easy recipe to make a version of it, he was pretty happy. When he watched me make it, I asked him numerous times if he knew what it was that I was making, and he couldn't have guessed.

The next week will be interesting in the kitchen. I am planning on making some burgers and shrimp to finish off this week, but next week will be a week of nothing but chicken and fish. I am trying to see if by eating these protein filled, lean meats will help with weight. I think it will, but I guess we will see what happens. I might just get so tired of eating chicken, I'll be begging for some red meat!

The cats have been fighting over the blanket that I made Mike. They were literally on top of one another! It was the funniest sight that we had seen! It's nice to know that everyone in the family enjoys that blanket! Guess I'll be making more!

After sewing up Mike's scrubs earlier this year, trying to save them, Mike finally bought more. I did have to stitch up another pocket but at least I know that it's not going to be near as frequent as it used to be! I don't mind sewing up things, but sometimes I don't think I do that great of a job. I also know that unless someone is two inches from his back pocket, inspecting the seams, then no one will notice! Now, if someone was that close to his back side, that would be a funny sight!

This week will be a very busy one. Not only will there be new food recipes coming, boot camp, and meeting up with friends, but I will be getting my hair cut! It's the first time since before the wedding ceremony. It's been almost a year, so I am in desperate need! I'm looking forward to it too! I'll post pictures when I accomplish this!

Until next time!

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