Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Year

Hello everyone!

Sorry, once again, for not writing often...even though I've made numerous comments about getting better at doing so...seems that I haven't kept up my end of the bargain.

Christmas has come and gone, as well as the New Year celebration...though, we don't really seem to celebrate the new year. I was in bed by 9pm. The year before, Mike and I stayed up to see the fireworks go off on the top of Pikes Peak, but they were so pitiful, that this year, we didn't bother. Not to mention, Mike had to work the next morning early, so it didn't really appeal to us. I found out that the fireworks this year were spectacular. Figures, right? Oh well. We heard more than our share of fireworks, starting at 5pm, and sporadically throughout the night and early morning. Maybe one year we will try it again.

So...let me see if I can play catch up with an entire month of inactivity.

In December, I had two photo shoots for members of the same family with their extended families. It was a good shoot, for the most part, and I can see that my talent is improving. I even took pictures of one of our frost storms after dropping Mike off at his PT appointment one day. Mike and I had talked about possibly making a trip out to Estes Park on one of the weekends that he has off, but we will see what happens. I've never been, and I've seen pictures. It looks so pretty!

My mom has moved into her house. She seems to be very happy with it. I've visited her often, and her cat loves seeing me. She always makes joking comments to me about how nice and lovey is his with me, yet I see how he is with her, and I know that he is her cat.

On Christmas eve, I went to my mom's house to meet up with her and my brother, Josh and his daughter, Willow to do our gift exchange since we were all busy with different schedules and what have you. Willow opened one of her gifts from me, on my mom's lap, and the other on mine. It was so cute!  She is such an amazing little girl, and so easy! I can only pray that my children, when that time comes, will be as easy!

Mike and I had a pretty quiet Christmas Day. We got up early, and after opening all of our gifts (Thank you all again!), we spent the entire day, playing all of the new board games that we got. There was one game that we had to YouTube a tutorial in how to play because the rules were a little confusing, but we finally figured it out, with no help from the online tutorial. Go figure! One of the games, I took over on New Years and taught my mom, brother and sister in law how to play. They seemed to have enjoyed themselves, and since then, I've brought it over to play with my mom on numerous occasions. The game is called Killer Bunnies. It's a card game, and once you start playing, it's fun and easy. If someone is trying to explain all of the individual cards, it can be confusing, so we started by playing the first game open handed, and everyone caught on pretty quickly...for the most part!

We've enjoyed all of the wonderful games and gifts that we have gotten, that even Mike was a little jealous of the Kindle Fire that his parents gave me. (Thank you again!) I've successfully finished about five books so far. Mike laughs at me each time I tell him about the latest book that I have read. Turns out, that my grandmother got one this year too! I guess it's a pretty popular gift! There are too many books that I want to read, and need to pay for them. I'll most likely pick one to purchase each month, and spread them out a bit! I'm a bookworm, always have been, so it's dangerous for me to read books and end up buying a ton of them! But, I like reading and writing, so I'm ecstatic!

I've been writing again, and I have a friend who is willing to read through the latest creation, and provide me feedback so that I may make changes, and continue on with it. If it turns out to be a good story with all of the corrections made, I might look into getting it published! One step at a time step.

Mike has been getting better with each day. His work is hit and miss. The more that I hear of the things that go on there, the more I really hate that organization and makes me seriously consider going to Penrose for any medical procedures because I don't want my money to go to a place that treat people like they do. I've mentioned to Mike on several occasions that I wonder if it would take someone to die in the hospital and have it be pharmacy's fault in order for things to change, but we both laugh, because what they've done in the past is promote those people so that they can do more harm. I've wrapped my head around the idea that the reason that I was treated the way I was and kicked out was because I was saving people's lives and not killing them. I really do hope that the city's population votes to turn Memorial into a University hospital. Not only will that help with our city, but I have a feeling that the organization will make a turn for the better. At this point, I don't think there is a place that can be as bad as this one. I'm so glad that I'm no longer there!

A couple of weeks ago, I had a bad allergic reaction to something that I ate at Whole Foods Cafe. I ended up covered in hives for a couple weeks. Finally, they are almost healed! They look like old bruises now...and that is a relief! I'm still not 100% sure as to what caused this, but I'm not going to be eating at that cafe anymore. Shopping there is a different matter, but eating the things that have been prepared isn't for me anymore. Makes me worry a little if it is a food allergy, because I'll have to have it again in order to determine what caused it, and I'd rather not. I think what I'll do if this happens again, some place else, is write down everything that I had to eat, and start eliminating those items that I have often.

Our weather has been bipolar. We had a bad snow storm in December, but now it's warm, beautiful clear skies, and honestly, if it wasn't for the snow and ice patches that are still melting, I'd swear it was Spring. I'm sure that the Spring and Summer is going to be a hard one this year, given how our Winter is going. I'll enjoy this while I can, and deal with the repercussions when they happen! People are out in shorts and skirts and tank January! That's crazy!

This year, I'm planning on making our garden happen! Last year, I wanted to do it, but by the time I got the seeds and started to find a place that could work in the yard, it was too late to do anything. So I will be heading over to a garden shop and to my aunt Deborah's house to look at her hutch to see what makes the most sense for what I want to do. I have no idea what is in store for us when I start looking, but I am excited to get a garden going. We go through so much onions and peppers...vegetables really that it makes sense to start one. We also love fresh pesto! In order to make fresh pesto, you need basil and I was wondering for the last week if there was a basil shortage as no store had any! I finally found some, but it wasn't enough for us to make a lot to freeze. So, we have basil seeds and that is a priority for us! I'll keep you posted on the garden front!

My aunt Deborah, is in the middle of her pregnancy! She should be finding out the gender of the baby soon! It's all very exciting, and I'm not the one pregnant, so I can only imagine how they feel! I honestly, cannot wait to meet the newest member of the family! I'm praying that one day soon, it will be Mike and my turn!

I started my P90X workout, but then I got the hives, and I stopped. I am planning on getting a kick start on that and moving forward with my goals. I have the support that I need from Mike, and once he gets into the place he needs to be with his shoulder, I know that we will be working out together. I just hope that I don't blow my knee out once again! Once I hit my goal, I'll post pictures. I had the before

Not much else has been going on, that I can remember anyways. This is the season for the beautiful sunsets in Colorado, and I hope that they keep improving so that I can get some great shots! Speaking of photos, if you haven't, I'd love it if you'd take a look at the site and see how much better it looks, and the new photos. Of course, feedback is always nice too, but there is no pressure.

So, I think that pretty much sums up least, everything that I can mention or think to mention! I won't be promising to write soon, as we all know how that works out for me!

Until next time!

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