Friday, February 3, 2012

Bring it on Winter...We're Ready!

Hey all!

So it seems that we are in for another huge snow least that is what they are saying. Most of the time, the talk about it, hype it up and for what? A dusting? Maybe an inch? It's been snowing all day, off and on yesterday, but I don't think we will be hit as hard as they are saying, at least not here in town. From what I understand, those who live in Woodland Park and Black Forest have gotten a lot of snow, but here? Not so much. Maybe I'll be wrong and I can have a nice snow day or something? Haha, yeah, right.

So let me see if I can remember things that have gone on since the last entry.

Mike's job is the same. Good days, bad days. There is always something that happens and when I hear about it, I shake my head, thank God that I'm not there any more, and we move on. Mike has been really great about leaving work at work, talking about his day, but not letting it get to him or his personal home life. It's great and I'm proud of his for being awesome at it lately! I don't mind the venting or his frustrations, as I am the first and probably the only person who would fully understand what is going on and know how it feels, and it's good to hear once in a while people that I used to work with tell Mike that what happened with us shouldn't have happened. I don't know why, but when I hear that, especially from the people that have said it, it makes me feel like I really did matter to some people. I'd never go back, mind you, unless I was paid a hefty say, what I was worth doing every one's job and working everywhere in the hospital? But that is not going to happen, and I am so much happier not being there. Okay, where did that tangent come from? Who knows, but we're moving on!

About a week ago, I asked my brother to have dinner with me and so that we could talk about a lot of things that seemed to have me quite worried. After about two days of asking, I finally got him to agree to it. I felt like I was pulling teeth from an alligator! When we got together later that week, it was a great talk, which to my surprise, lasted about four to five hours! I wasn't expecting a conversation to last that long, but I think we both needed it. It was nice to be able to open up and talk to him like we used to, and I'm only hoping that he doesn't feel as though I was interfering or whatever, and I hope that this is the start of getting our once close relationship back to the way things were, or maybe just close to it. I'll be okay with that too.

A few weeks ago, I taught Willow how to break sticks. She was playing with them outside, and about hit me a few times, so I broke it, and she tried to mimic me. After taking her hands and breaking the stick, that's all she did for twenty minutes. My mom and I were laughing at her concentration of breaking sticks and finding it amusing for so long. As all things though, it got boring and we moved on to the next activity. Willow loves to read her books, and play with her plastic food. I pointed out to my mom that I had begged for years growing up to get some plastic food, but she kept saying no. She didn't see the appeal, and probably still doesn't but she loves watching Willow play with them. Willow is super smart, as she knows that the corn pieces go together as well as the tomato pieces, and she will fix them if you put the wrong pieces together. She's starting to count up to ten, though she misses four and five still, but she says one through three, then jumps to six. She's a great kid, and I'm looking forward to the next stage in her life!

P90X has been a lot of fun! My friend Ana and I have been working out for the past week or so, and we were hoping to start doing it every day (excluding the weekends) but then this winter storm hit and the roads are all icy, and we decided (with all of her weekend activities) to postpone until Monday and restart. Her cousin is interested in joining us a couple of days a week, and so far, we both are really enjoying this program! We both met at the local boot camp that we were doing last year, and after the first week, you stopped feeling like you were working out, and you weren't getting the support that you wanted or needed. When I bought the P90X program, I invited her to join me, and it's been great! There are parts where one of us is weaker and vise versa. I'm looking forward to getting into better shape and getting to where I want to be! I think that we'll accomplish this common goal!

A friend of mine is getting married in October and asked me to be a bridesmaid. She's in Missouri, and I've never been, but I'm not looking forward to the humidity and bugs...I left all of that happily in Ohio, and wasn't looking forward to seeing that again, but I'll do it gladly to see her and to be part of her happy day! She told me that her colors had an Amethyst/Purple color...I told Mike that I don't know how I'd look in that color, but then again, it might not be the could just be the dress, as we all know, most bridesmaids dresses are pretty scary!

The other day, I went out with a friend to go to the mall, let her son play and have lunch. We did some window shopping as well, and I tried on about four different dresses and loved one of them, until I saw the price tag. I thought that I had seen it before going into the dressing room, but I guess I looked at the wrong tag. The dress fit amazingly well and I was ready to buy it mentally, but they wanted $98 for it, and that was the discounted price! I put it back and shook my head. I'm sorry, as much as that dress was great, I had a hard time picturing wearing it anywhere outside of maybe a nice Valentine's dinner at a nice restaurant, and I wasn't planning on spending over $100 for a new outfit to just sit in a closet only to be used maybe once a year. That's not me. When I told Mike this story, he smiles, kisses my forehead and tells me that he's glad it's me. We say that often to one another, as we hear stories from friends or past relationships that the other person would just blow money on things that are irrelevant and they don't think about what they are doing until after it takes a negative toll on them and their pocketbook. On a side note: I'm glad that it's me too!

Mike is still laughing at me, each day, for how many books I seem to be finishing with my Kindle. (Thank you again!) I seem to be finishing these books so quickly, and I have been downloading them just as fast. There have been some books that I can't seem to get into and stop reading them, only to delete them later. I've already written a bad review on one book that I felt as though I was being tortured trying to get through the first chapter! I wasn't the only one, so I didn't feel as bad about my review! Mike asks me each night when I turn it on, which book I am reading. What's it about? Who's the characters? The last time he asked me that, I had just started reading a book, was on page one of chapter one. There were no details given just yet, so I couldn't answer him. He usually laughs when I tell him that I've finished another book, then he jokes that the Kindle wasn't a good idea after all. In all honesty, I think he's just jealous!

I met up with a professional photographer here in town earlier this week. She was really nice! She specializes in newborn/kid photography. Her work is really good, but as we both know, it is one good shot out of ten. It happens, even when you're getting paid over a thousand dollars for a complete package. The meeting was for two hours, and she went over a lot of things, and even gave me an assignment so that I can improve and meet up with her again to discuss what I did. She looked over my work (the books that I've given as gifts, and my school assignments from last year) and told me a lot of great things to improve and things that she was impressed by. She told me that I would have to redo my site again, and a ton of things that made me feel as though this photography gig won't happen for at least five or more years. I still need a lot of work, as I suspected and admitted, but from her perspective, I'd need a lot more than I realized. I need a strong portfolio, and I need to take portraits of people to improve that area of my work. I'm more of a fine art/landscape type of photographer, but that isn't where the money is. It's going to take a lot of time and effort to make this happen, and it's going to be a long while before I see some progress. It's a little depression to say the least, but I know I have support from Mike and I think that is really all that I need.

Mike and I went to my annual appointment and as we were there, we talked about how we have been trying to start a family for the past year now. (A year in a week and a half). She immediately decided to do an ultrasound in the office to check for PCOS, also known as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Sure enough, I have that. The great news though is that all of my endormetrialhyperplasia is completely gone! After had being diagnosed with that at the tender age of 12-13, and being medicated since, I've pretty much healed from it as there is no trace period! Mike's mind is now at ease where that is concerned! As far as the PCOS, it's nothing life threatening or anything like that. It just means that I'm not ovulating and need medication to help me. The ultrasound showed the ovaries and all of the eggs that I have, waiting to come out. She gave me the script and told me when to take them. I have to wait a bit before I can take them, but she suspects that within a month of taking it, we should see success. I'm not going to jinx anything by saying that I hope she is right, but I'm not going to play the pessimist either and say that it won't. The diagnosis makes sense though, to both Mike and me, especially due to the pains that I have during my cycles with the cysts rupturing. I've learned to deal with them, as I've always done for years, but now, I feel as though I am making so progress! The other thing the doctor told us is that women with PCOS have a higher chance of multiples, and then of course the medications can increase it as well but not as high as most people assume. I laughed at Mike, telling him that we'll probably have multiples as I have three things working against (or in favor) of that. I have multiples in my family, the meds and this new diagnosis! Maybe twins will be in our future? Guess we'll see! I told Mike that I wouldn't mind it either way, and who knows, it could be fun!

No new meals for a while. I am going to be trying my chicken cordon bleu recipe in the fancy new toaster oven that Mike's family got us! I'm hoping that they turn out! I'll have to keep you posted on that!

This year, I'm wanting/hoping to have my garden started. I still need to make a trip out to the garden shops in town to see if they have what I am looking for, if not, I can order them on Amazon. I found a bunch of nice looking hutches for a good price online. I just hope that they have them here locally. I can't wait to get that started! I'm looking forward to it a lot! We decided to put the hutches on out basketball court, as we never use it, and it will be smack in the middle of all of this beautiful sunshine!

Mike is healing quite nicely. He does his PT almost daily, except on days that he's in pain. He's feeling pretty good with his progression, as am I. The surgeon has told him that he still cannot shovel snow, but if our nice neighbors continue with their help, then we won't have to worry about that! The last snow fall, late last year, our neighbors have shovelled or plowed our walks for us. It's nice that we have some nice people in our area!

So...I think that is about it. I can't really think of much else to say, that is positive or good, let alone interesting! =) 
So with that said, I guess that I should call it a good entry!

Until next time!

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