Monday, August 13, 2012

Bad News, Henna & the Mad Rush to Finish

Hello all!

It's been a crazy few weeks! I think it would be an understatement if I said that Mike and I were looking forward to all of this to be over!

As I mentioned in my last post, we had an offer on the house. Things were looking good, and they accepted our counter offer and signed the contract. The house was considered "under contract" officially, and there were no more showings for about two weeks. However, a few days ago, Mike got a call from our realtor, and it turned out that the man who wanted to buy the house, lost his financing. Someone dropped the ball, somewhere, as their realtor thought they were okay, the bank told him that he was okay, and yet, he wasn't. I highly doubt that he was even pre-qualified to be looking.

As soon as the house was put back onto the market, we had three showings within two days, and one everyday since. At least we are still getting the attention. We've had some good showings, and then we had one guy look at the house, complain about the layout, and then say that it was over-priced, but decided to look for more expensive houses in a different area. Mike and I had to laugh at the stupidity of that. We understand the logistics that he thought our house was over-priced, but still. Some people are just dumb.

Monday, we close on the house here in Craig. The Sunday before, we are walking through with the previous owners and going over everything from sprinklers and what-not. Then after we sign on Monday, we head to the Springs, finish up any last minute packing and organizing for the movers who show up that Tuesday. It will be a very busy few weeks!

This last Thursday, my friends and I got together for a night of laughs, dinner and henna. For those of you who are not familiar with Henna, it is a plant that is used to dye the skin and make temporary tattoos, if you will. It is very well known and used in places such as India. The thing with Henna, is that you cannot move the area that you put this stuff on for a few hours. Silly me, chose to have mine done on my wrist and hand, and as I went to stand up, bent my wrist. My friend Dana, scolded me as she cleaned up and redid the design. It was a running joke for the rest of the night that I wasn't allowed to move at all... It was a fun night, and I look forward to another chance to do it again. When I told Mike what the plans were for that night, he told me that I should get the Marque from one of his favorite fantasy novels. I surprised him, and did just that. So I did not have a traditional looking henna design, but it still looks cool. Mom had told me before I left to go to that girls' night, that if it turned out well, that I could do some on her. I had invited her to join us, but she said no.

Ana's design. On the back. Took about 2.5 hours.

Beth's design. On back. Took about 45 minutes-hour.

Tessa's design. On left hand. Took about an hour.

My design. On right wrist/hand. Took about 45 minutes-hour.

After it had dried and the henna washed off.

I had shown Mom the final look, and she was not expecting the brown/orange tint of the dye. She was hoping for black, I told her that there are different dyes out there. I explained that she could look at one of the Indian grocery stores and get the dye color she prefers. Each henna kit/box costs around $3? I'm not sure if she will or not, but I think that it was a lot of fun. It's like getting a tattoo, but I don't have to be absolutely positive on what it is, as it will wash off. No worrying about hating it when I'm older!

On Friday morning, I had gotten a phone call that woke me up. It was from my all-time favorite person from our realtor's team. (Did you catch the dripping sarcasm?) Kevin calls me bright and early in the morning, waking me up, to inform me that he has another realtor who would like to show the less than twenty minutes. I asked him if it was possible to move it out into the early afternoon, because in my head, I'm running down the list of things that I have to do before leaving...such as, get up and showered, dressed, packed for Craig, loading the cats into their locked room, with their crates, in case there is someone who wants to see that room, and load up my car with personal transport items, open up the house, and make sure that everything is set for a showing. A lot to do in 15 minutes. Without even asking the other realtor if it is okay to move it back, he informs me that if he asks to move it back, it could result in a cancellation. In my head, I wanted to tell him that "Well, I guess that means they need to cancel, doesn't it?" Have I mentioned how much I loathe this guy? This is the same guy that I mentioned before that has called and argued with me for ten minutes about why the cats are locked in a room, and why I have the only key...really? I told Mike this story, and he agrees that this guy needs an attitude adjustment. I hope that we have a "how did we do" type survey for the realtor that we hired, as I will say, great, but... and then point out the negatives of this guy. Okay, maybe I won't as it's not really in my nature, unless he does something else that I will snap and do it anyways.

After getting everything above taken care of, I headed to Mom's house for an hour or so. I got there and gave her my keys to the house, and the cat room. I explained that if there is a showing and someone wants to see the cat room, that I've moved their crates in there, and all that she has to do is make sure that they are in the crates and then once the showing is over, let them out but still locked in their room. So far, no one has asked for that second showing. It doesn't necessarily mean that people aren't interested in the house because of not being able to see that room, as the man who's financing fell through, hadn't seen that room, and was all willing to buy the house. We're going to be out of the house soon enough, so it may not even matter soon.

So, I left for Craig early Friday afternoon, and didn't run into too much traffic. There were a few dumb people on the road, and were ready to cause accidents, and it made me nervous, but hey...those people are everywhere!

I got to Craig a little after 4pm. I unloaded most of the boxes from my car, except the heaviest one, as I was having some major back issues. My back has been killing me for the past few days, and with Mike's help rubbing it out and medicating me, it's much better than what it was!

On Saturday night, Mike and I headed to our favorite restaurant, called The O.P. (O.P. stands for the Other Place) for a fireman's ball/luau. Mike's techs at the pharmacy had invited us, and one of them's husband is not only a fireman, but runs the DJ business in town, so he was working the booth too. We had a few drinks, some food and watched the town folk who came to dance and drink. The techs kept trying to get me out on the dance floor, but because I don't know any of the songs, it makes it rather tough to dance to music you don't like, such as country, or don't know, like a lot of popular dance/techno music. When Mike and I headed back to the temporary housing, we put in our Ipod and I selected a couple of songs to dance to. I told Mike that had they played my music, no one would have known who these artists were, and no one would have been dancing.

Yesterday, we played one of our many online games in the morning, while it was still cool inside our temporary housing, and once it got really too hot to stay indoors, we headed to the local frozen yogurt shop and stood there forever before the guy came to serve us. The yogurt place is inside the Subway shop. The people who do the sandwiches, also are in charge of the yogurt. It was apparent that the kid that helped us hates doing the yogurt side of things. I ordered a large, and ended up with a medium by the time he was finished mixing things. I had to shake my head. Mike's was practically over-flowing with yogurt. Next time, Mike orders first.

After we got our yogurt, we headed to one of the local parks in town, and found a picnic table to sit at and play a board game. It was so nice outside, and it was a lot of fun to get outside and do something unexpected and out of the norm for us. After a few rounds of the game, we packed it up, as we were getting attacked by the local bugs, and headed back to the apartment. Once there, we stayed up a little and played the game online before heading to bed.

I'm not sure what we are planning on doing today, after Mike comes home from work, but I am looking forward to it. I am leaving tomorrow for the Springs again, and it will be busy as I am going to be focusing on getting the rest of the place packed. I will be trying to eat the food that I have, and whatever is left that isn't safe to transport, I'll be giving to family/friends.

I don't believe that there is a whole lot more to say. There are a few people who are asking Mike about my photography services, and it makes me smile. There are only a couple photographers in town, and I think that they are retiring or moving away. So business may be coming my way!

I tried to get Mike to take a little trip to the Arches National Park, in Utah because it is only four hours away from us, but it was a little late for us, by the time I looked it up and thought about it. But one day, I think that it will be a trip that we will take. Anyone want to join us? =)

Well, I think that covers it. Things are looking up, and I'm loving life, regardless of the drama and stress. And things are only going to get better from here on out!

Until next time!

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