Thursday, February 7, 2013

Recipe: Oven Roasted Sausage & Vegetables

One thing that I have stumbled upon several times during my Pinterest days of gathering recipes, is that not everyone is a skilled blogger.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with Pinterest, you create boards and add to them. When you want to view something, like a recipe that you've "pinned", you click on the picture and it will take you to the recipe on the original site it came from.
This is a blessing, but it can be a real pain too. Sometimes, you'll run into people who have posted pictures of the meals, but will not include anything but the bare minimum. That doesn't help anyone who is wanting to make this said meal.
Usually, I will skip those meals, no matter how tasty they look, because I'm not going to figure out the ingredients and how to make it. This recipe, I had already purchased the ingredients, as it was listed, but there were no directions...great.
So, this is where the adventure began. Mike helped by cutting up the onions and sausages, as I took care of the rest. Once it was all in the pan, ready to go, I just guess the oven temperature and the length of cooking. An hour later, and we were ready to eat.
Another thing that really annoyed me about this blog, was the lady who wrote it. I'm sure she's a lovely person in life, but she shouldn't be posting things online, if she isn't going to include things, and if she insults people! She made a remark about what seasoning she used, "Salt and pepper and rosemary", then she goes on to say that bachelors should just ignore the rosemary because they are simply salt and pepper people. Um...not true. I know a lot of single men, and this includes Mike when we were first together, who know what rosemary and other spices/herbs, I found this to be a little belittling and uncalled for.
Overall, this meal is really good and filling, while being gentle on the wallet. We had a couple meals out of it too!
Here's the recipe...
1 pound of sausage links (I used Andoullie but will get some polish sausage next time) {Pick something you like}
1 pound of potatoes (I used red potatoes, but yukon or russet could be fine too)
1 small jar of banana peppers (The store hid all of them, so I used a package of sweet peppers, fresh)
1-2 bell peppers (I used one red and one green)
1 onion
Olive oil
rosemary (Yes, bachelors, you may use rosemary too...)
Preheat your oven to 350*.
Slice/Dice/Cut your ingredients to the size you want, bite size is usually ideal! =)
Place all of your cut ingredients into a 9x13 baking dish, and toss with olive oil, coating everything to keep from burning in the oven. Sprinkle with your seasonings*.
Bake for 1 hour, or until you can pierce potatoes easily with a fork.
Note*: Mike and I added cheese to the top of our finished, plated servings for added flavor, as what was instructed in the recipe, didn't seem to be enough flavor. We are going to try this again, but add more flavor to it, such as garlic and maybe some paprika and hot spices to kick it up a notch!

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