Tuesday, May 31, 2011

What Day is It Now?

Hey everyone!

Wow, I blinked, and time flew by! Sorry for the long wait between blogs! I have been super busy lately! Between boot camp, birthday bashes to plan and taking care of everyday mundane tasks, I fell behind on the blog!

This last week was the first week in which my fellow boot campers and I headed to the park to workout for the summer. We were supposed to be outside at least three weeks ago, but the weather would not cooperate. Between the snow, the wind, the rain and more snow/sleet mix, it just wasn't happening. But, on Friday, last week, it finally happened, but at 5am, it's still very cold and the wind didn't help any! So, I have already dug out my gloves and hat for next session! I'm going to come prepared!

Also on Friday, Mike and I headed over to a friend's house for a games night. This was the first time that Mike had come with me, as I have been twice before. Everyone got to meet him and we ended up having a really good time. The night ended not too late into the evening, but still enough to make it worth the trip.

On Saturday, we were to host a birthday party for a friend of mine who turned 31 this year. A good portion of his friends showed up and played games until the late hours of the night. It was a lot of fun, and people seemed to really enjoy themselves. Of course, I still need to catch up and clean up the house...even though it has been three days since the party. Most of the mess is taken care of, but I still have a lot of work to do to get the house back to the rightful clean state it was in before the party.

I have done a ton of cooking and baking this last few weeks, and pictures and recipes are coming...I just don't have them downloaded onto my computer yet! I am hoping to have them on the blog later today! So look for them!  Even Mike made a couple meals for me, because we were both worn out, we tag teamed the kitchen! It's nice to be able to both be in the kitchen cooking and baking together. You get that sense of togetherness, and it can also be quite intimate as well. I don't mean that in the sexual way that most people would interpret that sentence. I just mean that it's nice to have that close bond that we find comfort in doing normal chores together. Not everything needs to be physical in order to have a lasting relationship, and I think people tend to forget that.

I bought the material for Mike's blanket at least a week, maybe a week and a half ago, and I still need to make it. Today, I am planning on heading to a store to buy blackout curtains, as we need them for when Mike works the evening shifts at the hospital, like this week for example. He's mentioned getting them for a while, so I figured that I would go grab some, and if I need to sew them up, then I will.
I am also planning on fixing our sprinklers as well. We tested our sprinklers out a month ago, and found a few broken ones, and one in particular, looks as if our wonderful neighbor kicked it, which led to it being busted. So, to help Mike out, I thought that I would head outside later this afternoon and put the new one on, and pray that it works. I may even get inspired to seed and fertilize the yard, but that all depends on the wind factor, so we'll see.

When Spring came to Colorado, I planted a bunch of new flowers, and then snow came for three weeks. I thought I had killed all of my flowers...but they are very much alive! Thank God! But, my fuchsias are barely hanging on...I'm not sure if it's because of too much water, or the snow, or what the issue is...but I'm hoping they bounce back!

Not too much else is going on...at least, none that I can think of. I am meeting up with my friend Brandi today as well to grab those items that I spoke of before, and possibly a few others. Now that I think of it, I need to grab some things to finish stripping the antique dresser that I had growing up. My mom and I had been working on it a few weeks ago, but we ran out of stripper. That poor dresser has been painted over at least three different times. The outer layer was yellow, then under that was blue, and under that was pink....Why people take beautiful antiques and paint them is beyond my knowledge. So, because we ran out of stripper, it sits in the garage half finished...so I should probably grab the things to finish it up.

Like I said, I've been busy and all over the place, if you haven't noticed by my typing today. I am hoping that things start to slow down just a little bit so that I may catch up again...but then again, it is life, and nothing is as it seems.

Until next time!

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