Monday, June 6, 2011

Crafts and More!

Good morning everyone!

Sorry, once more, for not writing often! I guess this is as close to each day as I'm going to get it seems! Things have been super busy, and then there have been days of just vegetating! So now, I have the time before my day explodes with things for me to do!

Last time, I mentioned that I was going to buy some blackout curtains for the master bedroom so Mike could sleep in more when he works evenings. I did buy some nice long ones that match the paint in the room, and they do work! It's significantly darker in that room now! I think the first couple nights were tough for me to get up early, because the room was still dark, and my brain was telling me that it was still dark not the case!

I also bought a small hand vac so that I could clean those places on the stairs that my vacuum couldn't reach...I haven't tried it yet because it had to charge. So, I will be giving it a test drive today! Yay! I hope it works!

The only new meal that I have made this last week, because Mike and I have either gone out to eat, or it's been leftovers, is a salmon meal that we tend to have often as well. Unfortunately for Mike, it was only me who got to savour this meal...(He was working evenings).

Here's the recipe: Oven-Baked Salmon with Brown Rice

Place a long strip of foil (just enough to wrap the salmon in) Place the salmon in the middle of the sheet. Add some butter on top (depending on the size, it can be anywhere from a tablespoon to three), some garlic powder to taste, parsley to taste, lemon juice to taste, and Parmesan cheese to taste. Wrap the salmon by folding the ends into the center. Place on a cookie sheet and put into the 350* oven for 35 minutes or until done. Cook rice according to instructions. When fish is complete, unwrap and place on plate, add more Parmesan cheese if desired.

Last Friday, I ended up scrapping my knee at boot camp. I'm glad that I had the weekend to heal because today's class we did a lot of kneeling push-ups...that's ironically, how I scrapped my knee last week! My knee slipped off the mat and skidded across the blacktop...Yay for battle scars!

I went to Brandi's house last week to workout with her, but the wind was so crazy that we decided to skip our run and just do a craft day. She helped me with the blanket that I was making for Mike. As we were making it, Brandi's adorable son, John, kept laying on the blanket because the fleece felt great on his skin! He also kept using me as his personal playground and chair. That kid cracks me up; love him!

So when Mike got home later that day, I made sure to give him the blanket. He didn't know what was in the bag that I left it in, and once he pulled it out, he was very happy with it! Too bad that it's fleece and it's summer now! But I think we'll end up using it eventually. The weather has been pretty bipolar and now that we have so many fires in the state, it's been really hazy and my allergies have been super bad because of all the smoke that has been blown into town. I hate allergies!

I really enjoyed making this blanket, that I may end up making even more! Christmas ideas, perhaps? It was pretty easy to do too, and there was no sewing involved!

A couple days ago, Mike got our mail, and the item that I had been fighting the HBO store for, had finally made it's appearance! I opened it, and sure enough, that was the missing key chain. I gave it to Mike, who placed it onto his keys, but it was big and bulky, though he likes it a lot, we have to come up with a way to make it work.

The key chain is from a book series that he and I both really enjoy reading, and they made it into a HBO series. From what we keep hearing, the series is amazing! It makes us wish that we had the channel to watch it, but we both know that we are going to buy the series once it's available.  So the story behind the key chain is this: I saw a promotion on the site for a free key chain on an order of $40 or more. So I knew that I would have no issues finding that much to buy and give Mike. (This was one of those pick me up/thinking of you gifts). I ended up ordering him a shirt, a stein and the total came out close to $50. The key chain appeared in my cart, so I sent it. A couple days later, I got the box, but the key chain wasn't in there. I called and they told me that my order was actually two cents short of making the promotion, but they didn't think there would be any problems in sending one to me because of the difference being two cents. So the rep placed a request to have it sent to me and told me that I should expect a phone call within two to three days. So I waited a call, no key chain. I ended up emailing them to find out what was going on. I told them what the first csr told me, and the response I got was that my order wasn't $40, so I wouldn't get it. I emailed back asking a ton of questions, and asking the same questions again, because the girl didn't touch any of my questions before. She replied telling me the exact same thing as the first email she sent to me. At this point, I had to calm down because I was so annoyed with them. The next day, I called and politely asked for a supervisor. Since I worked in a call center before, I know how miserable it can be, and I have never been rude or mean towards anyone who works in a call center. The girl opened my file, and transferred me. Once I was transferred, I explained everything from the beginning and including the frequent conversations with the previous csrs. The woman apologized multiple times and told me that she doesn't understand what the issue was. The two cents was never the problem, and why the second csr was not helpful, made this woman feel very humiliated. She told me that it looked as if the online ordering system had a bug, that I was supposed to get the key chain and that it had discounted my items in the cart, so she told me that she'd send the item to me. The one that was in the promotion was no longer available, so she asked if I'd like a different one sent to me in it's place. I told her that was fine, picked one out, and she mailed it to me, free of charge.  Long story, and most people who think that it wasn't worth it, but hey, it wasn't for me, and I knew that Mike would really like it, so I fought for it...and won in the end!

I've been looking for a new hairstyle to try, but I'm not sure in what I want to do. I might just stay with what I've had this past year, but I feel like I want to mix things up a little bit. Any suggestions?

Well, I think that's been it for now. I'll make sure to update the blog as soon as there is something more to write about. For now, I better get the house in order, cut down some rather tall weeds that have grown faster than the "grass" that doesn't exist in the yard before our neighbor calls code enforcement again, like he did two years ago. I might even clear out a section of the yard for our vegetable garden, but I think that depends on how motivated and focused I'm going to be later.

Until next time!

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