Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Watching the Time Slowly Drift By

Hello everyone!

It hasn't been that long since I've last written, and I find myself rather bored, and felt that I could probably update you on a little of the world on this end. (Even though, there really might not be enough to write about).

So yesterday was my cleaning day. I ended up not really having the motivation to do much of anything but as soon as I started working on one thing, I ended up starting another, and another, until finally things were completely taken care of.

Mike had mentioned that our shower was clogged up, so I ended up pulling two rather large and quite foul globs of hair from the drain, adding some Drain-O and fixing the problem. I feel quite empowered, as silly as that is, but it's nice to not have to rely on a man to fix things that need to be fixed, if you know what I mean!

Once the house was cleaned and picked up, and laundry going, I started to make dinner. Even though we wouldn't be eating it for some time, I made it in advance so that it's less for me to do later in the evening, and we get to eat sooner, when that time came. Mike walked in after work to the smell of homemade lasagna baking in the oven...needless to say, I fear that it will all be gone by tomorrow...

Not much has been going on today. I randomly picked some shirts, pants and a jacket to take into the dry cleaners for Mike. He has a Critical Care Conference to attend on Friday and Saturday, and was in need of some clothes of the nice variety. Currently, all of his nice clothes were in a big pile on the floor of our closet. I grabbed a few of them, and took them in to be dry cleaned. I get to pick them up tomorrow.

This Saturday is also the day of the big football game that I got tickets for Mike to see. He's planning on being home as soon as his conference is over, then we make a trip up to Denver for the game and dinner, probably in the reverse order. It should be nice to spend some time together, doing something I would probably never have done before, mainly because I'm not a huge sports fanatic, but also because I just don't like crowds and things like that. I know that he really enjoys sports and has been very good the last few years, so this is my way of saying "Thank You".

I haven't been making anything out of the norm for us, meal wise. I will be posting the recipe for lasagna later on this week (I'm hoping), but other than that, I don't believe that there has been much else.

People in town have been rather rude lately. I sometimes wonder if there is something in the air or water. Sometimes, it's just not worth socializing with people that are rude and give off that "I'm better than you" attitude, or whatever it is. It's uncalled for, really. It makes you appreciate life a little more when you realize that you're not that bad of a person, when you meet people like that. Sometimes, I think that it's nice to run into those people just to prove that you're not an ugly (meaning personality) person, if that makes sense?

So, funny story...sort of. I went to mow the yard about a week ago, and couldn't get the cord to pull more than a couple centimeters.  I thought that maybe it was the cord stuck on something, and even my mom mentioned that as well, but I still couldn't get it to work. So Mike and I decide that we would just take it in somewhere and get it fixed, as well as get the blades sharpened. We took it to a local Sears, and the guy tells us that it would be two weeks before we'd see it again. That didn't really work for us, but we didn't have much choice. As the guy came to look at it, it turned out that there was so much build up that was causing the blades to not move. Once he removed most of it, and tried to pull the cord, he could. Problem solved. I had thought about that, but then I figured that, that couldn't be the cause, so I just never went forward with it. My mistake! So the next day, I start to mow, and the whole time I am mowing, our jerky neighbor is watching me! Talk about creepy! I've always disliked this guy, and I get uncomfortable with him every time he either talks or looks at me.  Red flags raise, the hair on the back of my neck stands at attention...like there is something seriously wrong with this guy! So I look up and see him watching me as I mow...(shudder). I told Mike that I will feel much more comfortable when we get a fence up...not just for me and Mike, but for our future kids, because if I am feeling this way about this creep, I don't want my kids playing outside where he can possibly grab them! I know that probably sounds paranoid or that I am over-reacting, but I trust my "sixth sense" and I've not been wrong about these things in the past!

So, there hasn't been much more, aside from the usual drama that is life, maybe there is a little more, but like I said, it's drama!

Until next time!

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