Thursday, September 22, 2011

Where Do I Begin?

Hey everyone!

Sorry that I haven't posted anything in a really long time. Been quite busy here!

I'll just sum up the important things...

I have been spending most of my time divided with house and yard work (especially due to yet another complaint to Code Enforcement for weeds that were only 5 inches tall...yes, I measured), cooking, taking care of Mike, Mom and Willow, throw in some picture fixing and that's been my life for a while. Crazy!

I still have a few more photos to work on, but I'm almost there, I can almost taste it! I can't wait to be finished with the project and have everything up on the site, though that in itself will be a chore! But if it looks better and helps move things, then I'm okay with that kind of chore! I'll keep you up to date as that comes to an end!

Mike is going to be having surgery on October 13th, and will be out of commission for 6.5 weeks. In that time, I'll be the nurse/nanny and making sure that he is healing properly and getting to his appointments as he will not be able to drive. Be sure to pray that everything goes well for him and that the recovery is speedy!

We are both looking forward to having Mike's family out for Thanksgiving and we're already trying to plan activities! It will be a fun and exciting time for both of us and hopefully, for the family!

As usual, there is always drama, and with that said, I'll leave it at that!

Be sure to look for the next few recipes, as I will be posting them shortly and forgive my photos of these meals, as I was in a rush, and had tremors.

Until next time!

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