Saturday, October 8, 2011

It Must Be October!

Hello everyone!

I woke up this morning to snow on the ground! What is so funny to me, is that I had just told Mike yesterday morning that I was wishing for snow....mainly because I didn't want to have to go out and mow the yard, but also....well, honestly, that's really all the reasons for wishing for snow! Because I am a summer baby, I love the warm...but I do like snow too, it's just not in my nature to wish for it or do a snow dance!

We do usually get snow about this time, but it's usually closer to Halloween. Every year for the past four years or so, we have never failed to have snow on Halloween. It's nice to see that we are branching out a little this year!

My mom has been out of town for the week and won't be coming back for another week to follow, so I've been watching my niece, Willow. It's super cute to walk in the door and see her face light up and she comes running over to me and begins to run in place. Okay, maybe not "running" but she is telling me that she wants to be chased. I started to play with her that way a month ago, and she loves it! So, I end up playing with her like that for about an hour, before I'm needing a break! She knows that my mom is gone and wasn't quite herself the first day that I watched her, but now she is starting to become more like her old self, and that is always nice to see!

Mike's surgery is upcoming this week. Thursday to be exact. We are both looking forward to it, as much as a person can look forward to surgery, but we know that he needs it and that life will be much more enjoyable once it is complete. He has talked with a nurse that he works with in the ICU who also had this surgery done this year, though hers was much worse, as you can imagine with lifting and moving patients that are around 300+ pounds; so he has more confidence instilled in him, and he knows that this is the right move to make in the long run. He has his good days where there is little pain, but then he remembers those days that were not so great, and decides that he really does need the procedure.

I am looking forward to having him in the house with me, everyday for the next month and a half, and if I need a break, I have other things to get me out of the house for a couple of hours. I think we both have made comments that we will be watching a lot of our Netflix movies, as well as the movies that we are currently in the works with! As most of you know, I have a lot of movies, and we have only begun to scratch the surface!

Cooking hasn't been anything new, not for a while, though I am hoping to try some new things out here soon! I know that Mike wants me to make the pulled pork again, and I am leaning towards that green chicken chili one again! Either way, I'm sure I'll manage something. Tonight I am making spaghetti, and I am looking forward to some good ol' fashioned comfort food...yes, I am weird to think that it is comfort food, but oh well.

I've also updated my photography website! It's finally done! I've selected a few photos that I thought were the best and put them up, instead of having the whole lot of them up there, so it's much easier to navigate, and the layout is new too! Instead of each individual gallery just hanging in the open, they are in categories, and then you see the galleries! Much more organized too! I'm hoping to see a change in sales too, and I know that my pictures look much nicer since I've taken a photoshop class, not that I have edited my photos that much. I think the only thing I really did was just brighten the colors a little. Either way, you should hop over and take a look and comment on the pictures you like because it will help me out not only to know what people like, but also it will increase my ratings so that other people who do not know me personally, will be able to see them! So please, please, please go to the site and start rating and commenting!

Today, Mike and I will be going to the mall to buy him a button down shirt and some new fleece sweat pants for when he has surgery. We have other small errands to run, but this is the most's also going to be interesting since Mike likes to order his clothes online instead of going to a store and trying things on. Call me old fashioned, but I like to go and try things on, because the things that look good on the hanger, usually look horrible on!

I found out earlier this week, that my aunt Deborah, the eldest of the twins, is finally pregnant! She's been trying for a long time, and I am so happy for her that it's finally come! I know that they will be great parents and it will be nice to finally have a cousin in the family! Maybe one day soon, it will be Mike and My's turn! My mom said that she thought it would be funny if both Deborah and I were pregnant at the same time, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes...not in a disrespectful way, mind you, but just because I am not so sure that would be "funny" and she does have a weird sense of humor! It will happen when it will happen.

Mike is finishing up making breakfast, so I best get off and eat some good food that I did not have to prepare! So with all of that said, thank you to those who are reading my blog! I feel like I am not wasting my time after all! Keep up the reading, and I will keep up with the writing!

Until next time!

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