Saturday, March 17, 2012

Busy Beavers See Success!

Hello all!

Who knew that I'd actually be updating this again so soon? I've made such a habit lately in not updating this as often as I'd like to, but I am hoping that it will change this year!

So let me see what I have to update you with...

Last night, Mike and I went to a games night with some great friends, and we had a fantastic time. There were a couple of people that we didn't really mesh well with, but still had a good time getting to know them. We even got to see some people that we haven't seen since our last group date with two other couples. We played some new games, and we've even been invited to one of the woman's daughter's birthday. Her kid is so cute and incredibly smart! This kid has some sass, I tell you! =)  I am still needing to figure out what to get her, but I think that I'm going to settle on the telescope, as the mother had said that she is loving looking at the sky at night. I can even teach her a few things! I'm excited!! Can't wait but I have to as it is in April...

A few days ago, my mom and I went shopping, and I ended up going on a little shopping spree at Lowes. For some of you, you may remember in the corner of our lot, there were three very dead bushes...well, no more! I dug them up, with a little help from Mike when I got tired of trying to get through compact clay, and we planted a beautiful (or soon to be when it blooms) Yoshino Blooming Cherry tree. I love these trees! I can't wait to see the blooms! It's already starting to grow and bud a bit too! This tree is known for growing quickly, so I am looking forward to seeing it! I'll post some pictures as soon as it happens!

I also finally bought my garden bed! I still need to assemble it, and buy all of the soil for the bed and the extra huge pot for the tomatoes, but I'm excited to get this project up and running too! All of my seeds need to be planted in April, which is only another week, but this is going to be a great summer! A lot of the seeds that I picked up are things that Mike and I go through a ton of, such as onions, tomatoes, basil, peppers (all of them, jalapenos, cheyenne, green, etc), broccoli, squash, asparagus and more! I really am looking forward to doing this! I foresee the rest of my family asking for some too! Again, I'll get pictures up as soon as I assemble the beds and get things planted! I also got a bag of wild flowers, but I'm not sure when I'll be planting them. I also don't remember which flowers I planted last year are going to come back this year...guess we'll see.

Some of you may recall that I had started working on my antique dresser last year with my mom. We stripped seven layers of paint of off this piece of furniture, and it needed to be sanded down and stained. I started working on the sanding a couple of days ago. I only have a little bit more to do before I can begin the staining process! It's looking amazing too, I must say! Why anyone would paint over something this beautiful, is beyond me! I think those people are crazy!!

Allergy season is here, and I'm hitting the loratadine (Claritin) bottle hard! Because we had a very mild winter, we're due to have a horrible allergy season! I'm believing it with each day that passes! It's insane to me! Of course, not everyone is allergic to the world, but still...I wish that it would ease up or something! I had to cancel a workout one morning due to the fact that I had bust a blood vessel from sneezing so many times! I don't know where I'd be without Claritin! I'm not alone either! There have been a ton of people that I know who've made similar comments on didn't help that I had a ton of sawdust up my nose either! =)

I have found a carbonated drink that I can have that won't cause me to get sick! If you recall, I don't drink soda anymore. I get sick even having a little bit! If I do have some, say cream soda, I have a tiny glass, and it takes me about 7 hours to finish it...but I have found out that sparkling water is safe! I know that it is water, and it has some similar ingredients as soda, but for some reason, I don't get sick! I've come to find a lot of different brands and flavors that are really good. Growing up, whenever my family would make a drive around the lake and we would make a stop at the Wine Store to get a drink, I'd always ask for a Clearly Canadian, which is a sparkling water drink that is difficult to find these days, but I loved those drinks! I think I had to have made my parents wonder what kind of kid I was as I didn't seem candy driven either. I'd choose the fruits and vegetables over the chocolate bars...I can only hope that my kids are the same.

I have been doing a lot of reading on Clomid and the success stories. I was telling Mike this afternoon how many stupid people there are out there when it comes to this. I am not sure if these people are talking to their doctors or what, but there were a lot of people who assume this medication is going to get them pregnant. Um,'s an ovulation helps you ovulate, not get pregnant. That is a good side effect...haha =).  The more I read about it, the more at ease I become. Not that I was freaking out or stressing about being on the medication, but still. After reading a lot of success stories, I get more excited. I am making Mike rather nervous though. Probably about 90% of the success stories are of people getting pregnant within their first dose of the medication and getting pregnant with twins or triplets.  I like to tease him by saying that we'll have all three of our kids in one shot. He looks at me with fear in his eyes, but I laugh and said that I'll be happy with healthy babies, no matter how many come in one shot...which still makes him nervous, but he agrees with me. I've told him that maybe I'll photoshop our ultrasound picture to make it look like we are having high multiples, but he said that was a twisted thing to do, as he laughs about it. (And no, we don't know anything...yet.)

One of our friends online is in the middle of his auditions for the show The Voice. I am not sure how far he has gotten yet, but I know that his audition is for next season, not this one. Mike had said that it would be fun to watch him, and support him, and I've asked him numerous questions as to what songs he is going to be performing, and I know one of them. One is a Matchbox Twenty song, I believe, if I am remembering correctly, and the other is a John Mayer. I'm not a fan of John Mayer, so I didn't know the song. This guy has met Taylor Hicks, who won American Idol a few years ago, and Taylor did mention to our friend that AI is rigged. Finding out that it is rigged, no matter how many times you assume it could be, it makes you wonder if all of the seasons have been this way...who knows, but I hope him all of the best in his dreams! I think we could all take notes on this...follow your dream, as you never know until you try!

There will be several new recipes coming up! I've already posted one so far, but I have a few that I am going to be making this week! I still need to make the acorn squash, but I told Mike not until we conceive...=)    I'll also be making the avocado dip again, so I'll be sure to double check to make sure I haven't already posted it, though I don't think that I have. There is also some Oatmeal Chocolate Chip cookies, Spiced Zucchini Cake, Garlic Cheddar Chicken, and much more! This is going to be a fun week in the kitchen! I really wish my cookbook magazines would show up more frequently, but I guess that I'll just have to deal and make everything!

I bought some curtains for a couple of windows. One of them is a small window in our bathroom in our master bedroom. Our bathroom is open in the room, and if Mike is trying to nap or even sleep in on his days off, it's tough as the light comes through that small window, so I bought one for that window. The other window is right behind our TV. When the sun starts to set, it blinds us if we are watching a movie or show. I picked a nice curtain rod which matchs our decor and some curtains that match our color scheme. I just need to hang them up...of course, that in itself will be challenging as I think it may just be me doing it...I'm sure that Mike will help if I ask nicely! =)

I was noticing the other day that we have several nails in our walls throughout the house, and nothing to hang on them. Mike and I have made comments about printing my work to hang throughout our house. I've mentioned to him a day or two ago that we should figure out which ones we would like to have around the house, and get them ordered and framed. It will be a project to do, of course, but I'd like to see my work hanging in each room. I know that I have my work cycling through our digital frame that his parents got us for Christmas a couple years ago, and we love it! I also have the adorable picture of Willow that I took of her at the zoo, framed and sitting on our mantle. Mike jokes about telling people that she's ours if they ask, and I smile and shake my head. I do foresee and lot of pictures of our kids when we get to that point. I have so many cute ideas in my head of pictures for newborns! I can't wait!

Mike should be finishing up at his massage appointment right now, and I that we will be playing some games and getting something to eat. It will be a fun weekend! Maybe I'll get him outside and walking around...but I'm not sure.

So I think that's everything. I actually had a lot to update than I thought!

Until next time!

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