Thursday, April 12, 2012

Living Life With No Regrets

Hello everyone!

Let's see what I can update everyone on....

Aside from the snow and the fog and cold weather that snuck on us last week, it's beginning to feel a lot like Spring/Summer. The thunderstorms have started up again, and it's so nice to see them again! I am hoping for more soon so that I can get pictures of them! I can't wait to try it again!

I spent a good portion of one of my afternoons, planting seeds for our walkway flower bed and around our tree. There are some sprouts poking up, but nothing too serious. It seems like forever! Next month, I will be planting even more, but I have to wait until May. I'm also looking forward to getting the garden started too, as soon as I know more about a certain topic, which I cannot delve into at this moment.

Working out in the mornings have started to become pretty intense! My good friend and I have been pushing each other to make it through the entire workout! I'm glad that we have each other! Mike had ordered some kettle bells and a workout video to go along with it. I've used kettle bells before when I was going to boot camp, but we don't have them here at home. I hope they will be put to good use!

As I mentioned in my previous post, I had gotten a coupon for a free "something" that was going to be a surprise for Mike. After struggling with the online ordering, talking to an online rep, and finally being able to order it the next day when the system came back online, it finally arrived on Tuesday! The "something" was a photo book, filled with pictures of the two of us, with our wedding vows inside, plus a few "Happiness is... <fill in the blank>" pages. As he was reading it, you could tell that he felt like he knew the words, but couldn't place them. He asked me if I wrote the words myself. I just smiled. Once he finished reading the whole book, I explained to him that those were our vows, and you could see the light bulb go off. He loved the book, and that made me very happy!

I will be having a busy weekend ahead of me. My mom is pretty sick, and will be watching my niece, Willow again on Friday and Saturday. I called her today and could tell that she wasn't doing very well at all. So, tomorrow after my early morning workout, I will be heading over there to help her out. Saturday, of course, will be a little more challenging as I have a birthday party to attend in the morning! I can't wait for the birthday party, actually, and I hope that she will be happy with her gifts...though she is turning 7, I'm sure that she will.

I think I mentioned in my last post that Mike and I had gotten hair cuts. Mine was a cut, color and style, but I am loving it! I feel like I have much more confidence, and feel great about myself. I also know that a large part of those "new-found" feelings are due to the lessened stresses in my life, but I like to think that the hair cut/color helped too. I am pretty happy with it, and the curls are staying in! Yay! I keep meaning to time myself as I work on my hair in the morning, but I always forget. I need to focus on that next time!

Lately, I have been obsessed with Seether's new album! I used to think that Seether was just okay, but I have suddenly become a big fan. Now, I've seen videos of them performing live, and I must say that I will never see them live! They aren't very good least that is what a friend of Mike's said when she went to see them recently, and from the videos I saw, doesn't help their case. There is a lot of really good songs on this album, a lot of them are surprisingly not typical of them...ala quiet... =) One of the songs that I really like the words to is Fur Cue. It talks about realizing that you're being used, and the fakeness, the lies and deceit of the person closest to him. He talks about making no compromises as he walks away from it all, and no longer bending and obeying, ignoring what is going on and growing into a stronger person to stand up against the things that are wrong. Feels almost like a theme song. I would link the video into the blog, but I know a lot of people don't like heavy metal, so I won't! =) But, you can always look it up if you are curious.

Mike made this amazing salad vinaigrette! I picked up more vinegar so that he can make even more! It's much healthier than the traditional salad dressings, and I am feeling okay with giving them up. We saved a jar, cleaned it and will use it as the container to allow him to make a bulk batch of this vinaigrette...can't wait!

Last week, I had my annual physical with our primary physician. I am completely healthy. I mentioned to her about the random hive break out that I had late last year, early this year...whenever it was. Turns out that it wasn't hives after all. She explained to me that if it was a food allergy, it would have happened the same day as I ate whatever it was, and then the hives would have gone away within 24 hours, but because it didn't go away in that time period and didn't show up until a day later, she told me that it was a possibility that it was some sort of viral infection that happened to show up on the skin. I guess that makes sense? =)  I offered to show her the pictures that I took of them, but it wasn't necessary. It didn't itch, it didn't scar me or anything, and I haven't had it happen since, so I guess we're good!

Allergies have been horrible this year! Mike is starting to suffer now, as I am becoming more adaptable to them. Claritin every night is helping a ton too! I also think that with the storms and colder weather, it calmed everything down, at least that is what I am hoping for!

My mom told me that Willow loves to sit on her potty chair. I am not sure if the training has started or not, but she loves to sit on it. My mom told me that Willow will look at her and say," Potty!" and then run and sit on it. I think she's been ready for a while, and I think she wants to get this train moving!

On Easter, Willow had a bite of some broccoli that I brought over, and she didn't like it at all! It was a funny face that she made, and didn't spit it out, but eventually did. She loves carrots though, so I had to keep giving her some carrots. As my mom, brother and I were playing a card game, Willow tried to climb out of her pack and play. She didn't want to nap, so we let her out. Now, here's a funny story... my mom unplugged her kindle from the wall, so that Willow didn't grab it. Willow, for some reason, was fascinated with the outlet and kept trying to touch it. My mom smacked her hand and said no, more than once, but Willow wouldn't listen. I decided to act before Willow succeeded in sticking her fingers into the sockets, so I grabbed my mom's spray bottle that she uses on her cat, turned and sprayed Willow a few times. She flinched from the water and ran away. My mom and I bust up laughing for about 5 minutes. My brother, of course, didn't find it as humorous, but given the fact that it worked, was just priceless. I'm sure that it won't work on her again, but it was still great!

Mike has been craving Thai and/or Indian food lately. I have never had either. (except the Thai that Mike makes) I looked up a few restaurants in our area and told him that I'd be willing to try them. After all, I fell in love with sushi after trying it...maybe it will be the same here. Mike did mention that we could go out tonight and try one of them, but we'll see. I have a steak pulled out just in case he'd rather not go out. Either way, I'll be okay with it!

 The hair style before.         
The new style! (I sent this to Mike to cheer him up at work)

I know, the blowing a kiss photo is the best of the new hair style, taken today to brighten Mike's day at work. Work's been kind of horrible lately, and I wanted him to at least have one moment of the work day to smile at. Needless to say, it worked!

I felt a little bad for my mother the last couple of days. Not only is she really sick, but she gets to deal with people putting her in the middle of situations that she isn't even a part of. I have to shake my head. I guess she was right in saying that I scare my family. Oh well. I kind of don't care. Honestly, I didn't do anything but ask the same questions that are asked all the time by numerous others...and yet, I'm the bad guy. Again...oh well. I think that people need to grow a backbone and stand up for themselves. If you can't do that, then you'll always be used by those around you or treated in disrespectful ways. The people who usually try to make everyone else happy, are the ones who are the least happy and are the most lonely. Frankly, I find the whole ordeal a bit funny. This individual has gone off on my mother for the stupidest things, and yet won't stand up to her husband or me or anyone else...just my mom... I am proud of my mother for saying that she is staying out of this one. I'm not expecting any sort of conversation to stem from this, but I'm prepared either way.

I just don't get it...why do people do the things that they do? Say the things that they say? Is it all because they have nothing better to do than pick on those who are defenseless against them? For the longest time, my mother was one of those people, but lately, I have seen a change in her and it's for the better. I am proud that she is coming to terms and is doing the right thing for her own well being. Too many times, people put others before them, always making sure they are doing okay, buying them things to allow them to spend their money on things that are important and vital to them or their families. Sometimes, this generosity becomes abused and taken for granted. I'm a victim of that, as I am sure everyone has been at one point or another. Why people take others for granted is beyond me, but honestly, I think it goes to show the maturity and the selfishness of those said individuals. It's a hard lesson to learn and to see the signs, which most of us don't see until it's too late, but what matters is how we react, how we handle the situation and most importantly, how we strong we are to make sure that we won't allow it to happen again. I remember being completely and utterly broke when I was living in my apartment. I couldn't afford rent most months, let alone food. There were several months that I didn't have food in my apartment. What little money I had left over from that month's bills, I spent on food for the cats, and buying canned goods that I knew would last me for a long time. I didn't go anywhere, or do anything with friends because I didn't have the funds to have fun, but I was always making sure that everyone else was taken care of before me, and that, I know didn't help my situation any, but at that time, I couldn't say no. If I could go back and change that, I think I would have, simply because that would have allowed me to build on my relationships, but in reality, I know that it wouldn't have been easy. I am so very very grateful that I have the life that I have. I am very fortunate to be able to afford a roof over my head and food on my table, and more to support those that I love and have around me for good reason. I have no regrets in helping the people that matter(ed) to me, and still don't. I know that it was for a good cause, but honestly, I need to learn to be a little less giving. If I had a fault, that would be a key one. I've learned this nature from my mother. I have learned that my mother and I are one in the same. There are so many similarities that sometimes, it is downright scary! I think we all view our parents as these meddlesome people who are always trying to interfere with our plans, with our lives, but they are simply trying to look out for us, and we need to understand that it's all in our best interest. We shouldn't be complaining about them, even if we feel that they are more supportive of one sibling over the rest or more critical of the other. Sometimes, they don't know they do it, or if they do, they have their reasons.

Anyways, sorry for that tangent. Not sure where all of that came from, perhaps a long contemplative day. Regardless of everything written, I love my mom, my brother and my niece as well as my husband and his family and even my friends who have become a great support system. So with all of that long winded droning, I just want to close this by saying that I have learned to become a strong and independent women with positive people and mind-sets in my life and I am loving it! I can't wait to see what else is in store for me next and I hope that the world smiles down on all of us, as we will all surely deserve some happiness!

Until next time!

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