Thursday, May 10, 2012

Amazon Virgins in Colorado!

Hey everyone!

Things have been finally falling into place! The next few weeks and possibly months are going to be crazy busy!

First, let me try and catch you up on the very minimal things that I have to share.

Today, I'm going to spend most of my time contacting some landscapers to have them come out and give us some estimates on getting the yard taken care of. Mike keeps bouncing back and forth (for good reason) on whether we should xeriscape or lay sod. Either way, they should be able to give us an idea of what to expect.

I have a few new recipes that I have coming up that I am excited to try! There will be a cupcake recipe, brownie recipe, and I'm not 100% positive on any entrees, but knowing me, I'll fine something! So, keep looking for new recipes! I'll try to be disciplined enough to keep up with the posting!

Working out after having two weeks off is a killer! I missed working out and it feels great to be able to work out again, not to mention the company is great! It makes working out more fun and the time feels shorter as you're talking and laughing together. I'm looking forward to tomorrow's work out already!

In the next few days, I want to make a few trips out to a few locations here in the area to start taking pictures. I'm going to be expanding my portfolio and getting some new things up on the site, as well as taking some down. I need to be even more selective in what I have to offer online. It was a really long process the first time that I did it, but I know that it's just the first step. I'll need to find some time in my busy schedule to sit down and look through very thoroughly!

Mike and I ended up having to take our PS3 into Best Buy to have it worked on. Apparently, our hard drive decided to flake out and will need to be replaced. We should be getting our new one Friday, or Monday by the latest. It's tough, because we spend a lot of time on that machine. The first day that we took it in, we were trying to figure out what to play. We ended up playing on the Wii, which we haven't messed with since we got the PS3...Wii sports is a workout in itself! I had forgotten how much fun it is, but how you feel it if you play hard and for a long time too! Regardless of how much fun that system is, we are looking forward to getting our replacement!

Not only are we sad that the PS3 is getting worked on and isn't here, but I convinced Mike to buy a dancing game...that's right. You read that correctly. A dancing game. I played one at a girls' night a few weeks ago, and regardless of my not knowing the songs, it was pretty fun to play. It's also a really easy way to burn some calories while having fun. Mike even said that he would be willing to play with me. (That's what she said?) The man can't dance, so hopefully this will help him find his groove! =) Love you babe!

A couple days ago, I reorganized our pantry. Each time I open it now, I sigh happily! It was really cluttered! Mike took most of the blame, but I told him that we were both guilty of it. I'm hoping to keep it organized for a while...I know that it will never be perfect all the time, but at least a month or so, and I'll be happy!

My wildflower seeds have started to appear above the soil. I'm excited to see them! Granted, they have to grow quickly, or I fear the season will be past, or we will be on another exciting adventure! I'm also really happy that none of the plants have died since the last frost that we had. It's funny to watch the snow pile up on the mountains and we are in the 60s or higher....gotta love Colorado weather!

I'm trying to convince Mike to get our garage sale up and going. We've been talking about doing on for the past year or so, and this time, with all of the stuff piled up in the garage and in our basement, not to mention things that we still need to go through, we'll most likely do it this summer! I'm looking forward to it.

I've also got to find a local painter for our house. Granted, Mike and I haven't discussed colors, but I've looked at them, and marked my choices. Now, I just have to wait on Mike to sit down and look over them and agree or disagree with my selections. Either way, it will make the house nicer to look at, as it is in desperate need of a new paint job!

Tomorrow, Mike and I will be going over to my good friend's house for game night, and then I'm going to see about going out for some hiking with her on Saturday! Should make for a fun but busy weekend!

On this last Tuesday, Mike and I tried a brand new restaurant in the area called Tuscanos. It's supposedly a Brazilian place, but it didn't seem like it was true ethnic food. Maybe it is, I don't know, as I've never been to Brazil. It was really good. It had both of us thinking about our lunch there for days after. The place has a huge triangular eclectic salad bar, amazing drinks and instead of ordering from a menu, the servers walk from table to table with grilled meats for you to select in tasting! Mike had a pineapple lemonade, and I had what they called The Amazon. When we got our check, it said that we ordered an Amazon Virgin. I ended up having to take a picture of that, and sharing it online! The joke became something along the lines of being able to order Virgin Amazons in Colorado... It was a great experience, and I'm looking forward to our next outing there. The price, of course, was pretty pricey, but for what you are getting, it's totally worth it. Mike had heard from numerous co-workers that it was good, but the wait to get in was backed up. We just walked in during lunch hours in the week and was able to get a table. Maybe it depends on lunch versus dinner, and weekday to weekend? Either way, highly recommended!

Things have been pretty amazing in our world. There is also more good news coming, and I'm going to have to leave you hanging with that.

Until next time!

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