Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Pressure is On!

Hey everyone!

Not much to update you on, but as I've promised to keep the postings coming, that is what I'm going to do.

Tuesday, Mike had his oral surgery done. Three wisdom teeth were removed, and he did fairly well on the first day, and a little on the second, but today, he's not doing well. He is struggling to keep ahead of the pain, and icing it helps very little. He's been stuck eating soft foods, and I know that he'll be looking forward to something solid here soon!

Also on Tuesday, I was invited to go to an impromptu girls' night, but I didn't RSVP until Mike told me that he was fine, which on that day, he was. So I went. I made the cheese ball recipe that is on the blog, look it up, it's quite yummy! Everyone really enjoyed it, and we had dinner as well. After dinner, we started to make some Pom Balls for my friend's wedding that is coming up next weekend. If you don't know what a Pom Ball is, I've supplied a picture for your viewing pleasure.

The pom ball is made out of tissue paper. There were some big ones, like in the picture above that were at her shower, but we needed to scale them down in size for her to use in her actual wedding. That in itself was a major challenge. After screwing up about two of them, we finally managed to get all six finished. We started an assembly line, which I was in charge of cutting and folding paper. I made the joke of that is the only crafty thing I am capable of, but we all know that isn't true.

Another thing to happen on Tuesday, was the painters were finally finished with all of their work. Now I am so very happy they are gone, and I don't have to feel overly creeped out. The guy tried to talk to me as he was leaving, but I wasn't going to reply much to him. Our neighbors, who recommended them to us, had called me while Mike was in surgery and was looking for a review on their services so that they could continue to recommend him to others. I've yet to call her back to tell her what I thought, because frankly, I don't think they deserve any more work. Not only were they rude sexists that send the creep vibe to all females, but they were smoking pot in our back yard and when they asked to open the doors to touch up the paint, I explained that I needed a few minutes to lock the cats up, as they are indoor only, and I managed to get two of the three locked away before he thought it was okay to just leave the front door wide open. I was furious! Mike understood what I was upset about, so I am just waiting for the neighbors to show up on our doorstep and ask me directly. They may not like what I have to say, but it's going to be the truth. I don't want to pay for people's bad habits.

I finally made the granola bars, after talking about it for weeks. We still have plenty too, which is a surprise, but then again, with Mike's surgery, he can't have any...just like the cheese ball. I sort of feel bad that I've made yummy snacks and he's not able to eat them...or perhaps it was all planned? =)

Yesterday, I spent my entire day in the garage, labelling and setting up for the garage sale, which starts tomorrow. I'm still needing to spend some quality time in there, getting things ready, but it's quite difficult when you only have two tables to set things up on and a ton of stuff to get rid of! I've been improvising a little, but I'm in desperate need of tables! I spent my whole day, and finally called it a night at midnight, in the garage. I still need to dismantle the pool table and futon and bring them up to the garage, as well as the two glass tables, two TVs and other big items. I also need to go to the bank and have change ready for the sale too. Not to mention getting the signs ready for placing in the I said, lots to do!

We had a massive storm hit last night. It started about 5 or 6pm, and it consisted of heavy rain, hail and tornado warnings. We even had a bit of flooding going on in our area. It lasted until about 10 or 11pm. Mike looked up the weather tracker and the storm was just swelling above the town, not moving at all. The irony is that in the place where we will be moving to is in the middle of a high fire warning. They have 80* weather, sunny skies and a drought. We have flooding. I know we need the moisture, but this kind is the bad kind.

Well, I had better get off and get myself going. I've got a ton to accomplish and I'm running out of time.

Until next time!

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