Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Forward Motion

Hello everyone!

So let me start with the latest update. The fire is now standing at 70% containment. There was a MAFF plane that crashed in South Dakota that was helping us fight the fire, and headed there to help with the fires there, and it crashed, killing 4 and injuring 2.

Another sad note for the day is this: My brother's cat, Smokey, is being put down today at 4pm. It's a sad day for everyone, as this is a large surprise for us. She had been losing weight, though no one had seen just how badly she had come along. She will be missed very much.

The weather has been calming down, but not too much. We've gotten a few rainstorms, which are helping with the fire.

Mike has been enjoying his new job in Craig immensely. I haven't seen him this excited to go to work, be able to give his opinions and knowledge in a long time. He is looking at goals for the future there, and it's great to see the possibilities presenting themselves for him.

Mike came down this past weekend to visit. For the training period, Mike has the weekends off. Once he is confident with the processes at this hospital, he will then have Sunday and Monday off. He came home late Friday night, and left Sunday afternoon. It was a short visit, and I am looking forward to seeing him again soon. It's really tough to be separated from one another but we know that it is only temporary.

We have had numerous house viewings since we put the house up on the market. There have been a few people who have provided feedback for us, however, their reasons for not liking the house are really stupid.
Here are some of the things that people have said:
They don't like the 3/4 wall by the stairs.
They don't like the open master bath to the bedroom.
There are no pictures on the walls.
They don't like the light fixtures.

Now, mind you, most of these were from the same woman who hated the place when they pulled up and by hearing her complaints, I knew that she was the kind of person who needed to just build her own home or go to the Broadmoor. There was no way to please this person, and we knew it.

We did have one offer, though it was extremely low balled, and we countered with a better offer, for us, and never heard back, which means that this person wasn't serious about it. We've also been told that we have been the second choice for people, but they found a house that they liked better. We've only been on the market for a couple weeks, so this is great. We're making great progress, so to hear that there are likes, and that we are the second choice for many people, tells us that we have a high chance of selling our home quickly.

I believe that I mentioned in my last post that my car had to get some work done, and we got it back and things are sounding just like it was supposed to. My "diesel" sounding car, is back to normal! Yay!

For the past few days, I have been writing again. I joined a website online that allows me to post my work for free to the public, and it allows me to get feedback from people, whether good or bad, and it will help me better my talent for writing. I've already gotten some good feedback, and it is driving me to continue. As I told Mike, by doing this, not only will it help me become better at writing, but it will motivate me to complete the work that I have put aside for publishing.

I am so very blessed to know what it is that I want to do, or what I want to pursue. There are a lot of things that I am pursuing at once, such as my writing and photography, as well as a few other things, but I know that I am one of the lucky ones who has a clear goal in mind. I am not one of those people who consistently bounce around with what to do with their lives. I've watched people do just this thing. I understand that as we grow up, we change our minds, and our interests, but someday, you just have to pick something and stick with it. I also know that there are people out there who will never be happy doing what they chose to pursue. So, again, I'm a lucky one.

Well, I'm not sure that there is much more to update you on. Things are going well, and a little less stressful now that the fire is getting smaller and more contained. So, until there is something more to update you on, I will save it for next time.

Until next time!

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