Monday, September 24, 2012

Recipe: Pumpkin Mousse

Mike has always been a huge pumpkin fan. Mike has also been a big fan of his mother's mousse...So, when I saw this recipe, I jumped at the opportunity to try making it. It was a little tricky, as we couldn't really find the ingredients that were written but we got the closest things that we could. It wasn't think and fluffy like most mousse recipes are, and I don't know if I like it, but I know that Mike thought it was good, and ate the rest of the batch by himself. Maybe if I find all of the right ingredients, I might be able to make this a family favorite, especially for the holidays.

1/2 cup Plain Greek Yogurt 2% (The closest we found was 1%)
1/2 cup Canned Pumpkin
1 tablespoon Honey (I might have added more than that)
Sprinkle with cinnamon

Mix all of the ingredients together. Top with cinnamon, and refrigerate until serving.


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