Thursday, April 25, 2013

What Happened?

Hello everyone!

I knew that it had been a while since I updated the blog...but I had no idea that it had been this long!

So, I guess that I will just do some base touching on the things that have happened.

Winter is, is still freaking here! It's April, yet we are still getting hammered with snow! Thankfully, today and the rest of the week here in Craig, we are in the 60s and 70s...ah, that's more like it!

I went down to the Springs to visit with family and friends just before a nasty storm hit home. The next day after getting to the Springs, Craig got about 2-4 feet overnight and through the day, while it was still snowing. Of course, because of that, I couldn't get home for about a week. Good thing I planned for something like that and packed enough to get me through!

The visit was a good one. I taught my mom and brother a new card game called Gloom, which I highly recommend people getting! It's awesome! Of do need a certain sense of humor to play. Just saying.
I also taught my mom a tile based game called Tsuro. It won game of the year and is very simple to learn, but you need to plan ahead! Great game, so grab that one too!
Speaking of games, I talked Mike into getting Last Night on Earth. It's a zombie game. Yes, I know what you're thinking...what is it with zombies? Well, I can't answer that, but I can tell you that this game has topped all other games as possibly one of my favorites! Mike and I have played it several times and have enjoyed it each time! We ended up laughing the whole time! We're eyeing the expansions! It comes with a soundtrack, not that we've played it, but the fact that the creators have given you a soundtrack to play the game to make it even more fun...genius! So...while you're out buying Gloom and Tsuro...grab this one too!

As you may have noticed, I posted some new recipes, and more are going to be coming! Be on the lookout!

Last month, Mike and I went to Denver to meet up with my childhood friend, Gayle and her husband David. They came out to visit for about a week, and the last time Gayle and I saw each other was a little over 14 years when my parents' divorce was finalized and I moved to Colorado. Since then, we lost touch, as I wasn't allowed to call her long distance (she was in Ohio) and she didn't have email (this was when email was first coming out)...gosh, I feel old!
Anyways, when I found her sister on Facebook, I friended her, and found Gayle. I, of course, sent a message and friend request asking if she remembered me, and of course she did. We picked up right where we left off as though we had never been apart for so long.
I admit, I was nervous meeting up with her in Denver. I was afraid that things were going to be different in person or that we wouldn't like the other for whatever not the case!
We are so alike in personality and humor, that we were told by several people, including our family that we are the same.
In Denver, we went to several different places, most closed due to the sudden blizzard that hit Denver, so we made other plans. No biggie. Towards the end of the visit, Mike got food poisoning and was taken out of the picture for the trip to Colorado Springs which was a fun day, but I was sad as he was at the hotel getting sick.
At the end of each day, we would get together and play games which Mike and I brought along. It was so much fun that we kept trying to convince them to move to Colorado. Somehow, I don't think that's going to happen! We made a promise to try and get together again soon, and the visit was over.

Now, way before all of this happened, for February, I wrote on our chalkboard fridge all of these notes for Mike. He even got to write on it a few times and it was nice for him to see all the reasons that I love him.
 He was sad when it was erased...
I erased it early because he was having some pretty rough days at work, and I was worried that it might be a repeat of MHS in COS. I didn't want that, so I re-did the fridge...
It's still on the fridge, months later.
I will eventually come up with something else to write/draw on the fridge, but for now, this is on there.
One of the things that I picked up in the Springs when I was down there, was supplies to do an art project. I struggled to find the right heat gun, as the heat tool I bought at Joann's was smoking like a cigar and didn't really get hot I picked up one at Home Depot and it worked better than the other one...go figure!
I also grabbed material to make the grandparents their blankets. I felt badly when Mike and I came down for our little Christmas with my family and I didn't have blankets for them. I couldn't get material here in Craig, so I had to wait until I got to COS, and unfortunately it didn't happen until this most recent trip. So, my mom and I went over to their house in COS and we made the blankets together. They have since emailed me to tell me that they love them and have used them each day since. I hope they still need them in AZ!
I finally got home, with no issues from weather, just in time for another wave of Winter to hit. Ugh...I'm ready for Summer!
About three weeks ago, I was about to leave the house to go to the store, when I noticed that my back tire looked really low. Of had to be a flat tire. Mike was at work, but I told him that I would just put the spare on the car and drive it to the tire place and have it patched.
Now...I have never physically changed a tire before. I know how to do it, but never put it into practice. I set to work and managed to do it just fine. The guys at the tire place even said that I did a pretty good job. I thought the words, "for a girl" after they said that, but who knows. $20 and 30 minutes later, I was allowed to leave and get my groceries. My mom was very proud of me that I was able to do it by myself and Mike was glad that I could handle things like that by myself without needing a man to come do it for me. 
As I have told him before, I'm not the kind of woman who needs a man to help me do things like that. I'm fully capable in taking care of myself in most regards. I replaced the stairs by the back door by myself...I used tools and everything! =)
I guess one of Mike's co-workers gave him a little bit of a hard time for not coming home to fix the tire, but I know that it was all in jest.
So, yesterday, I decided to try and do the project that I needed the heat gun for, and I think for my first attempt, that it turned out pretty well. I even got a friend's son to approve of it!
Pretty pretty, if I do say so myself.
I have gotten Mike hooked to the series House MD. We have been watching the Voice and Hannibal, even though he isn't a fan of Hannibal...It's a twisted show, that's for sure. A friend of mine is a PA on Ready For Love, and Mike and I have been watching it. Unfortunately, the show has been cancelled, and no one knows how many episodes will air. I hope that my friend finds something else soon!
Mike has been playing with his guitar again, and he was able to play a piece of a song that I actually recognized! He has been improving since he started playing with it again, and I told him that with more practice he would be able to play without the game to teach him!
I've been keeping up with my writing, and I have been getting a lot of feedback from my online fans. I felt bad the week that I was stuck in the Springs, as I didn't have the ability to update any of my stories, and people kept sending me messages to fact, one kid in Britain thought I had yet. =)
So there you have it. I haven't died, and there have been a lot of crazy things going on, and hopefully it won't take me another almost two months before I update again!
Until next time!


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