Monday, June 3, 2013

Recipe: Sausage Stuffed Jalapeno Poppers Wrapped in Bacon

When Mike saw that I had pinned this on Pinterest, he came up to me and said that he had been drooling over a few recipes that I've been pinning. He told me that he really wanted to try this one in particular. So, when we went to the store to get our normal groceries, I wrote the ingredients down for this so that we could begin experimenting.

This was one tasty experiment! And we will be making them again!

My one hiccup that I ran into while making these, as I checked on them in the oven (You can bake them or grill or smoke them), the bacon had unraveled and the cheese filling began to seep out from the jalapeno. So, I grabbed my toothpicks...what few I had left and secured them together.

This was our dinner that night, and it was super good!

Here's the recipe:

10 jalapeno peppers
10 bacon slices, cut in half (I think next time, I won't cut them in half)
10 mini sausages or smokies
1 cup cream cheese
1 cup grated Monterey jack cheese
1 teaspoon chipotle powder (I think it could use more)
2 shallots, minced (I didn't use any and it still turned out amazing!)

Slice the peppers lengthwise. Using a spoon, remove the seeds and membrane. If using bell peppers instead, quarter them after seeding.

Mix the cream cheese, jack cheese, chipotle powder and shallots. Fill the hollowed out portion of the peppers with the cheese mixture.

Place the sausage on top of the cheese and wrap the bacon around the jalapeno. Use toothpicks to secure them if they will not stay on tightly!

Bake in the oven at 425* for 20-30 minutes or until the bacon is brown.
Grill them on medium high heat until bacon is browned and pepper is tender.
Smoke in the smoker at 225* for 2-3 hours or until bacon is browned.


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