Monday, May 21, 2012

Families Are Like Mob Bosses

Hey everyone!

So let me just get this out of the way first. You might be a little confused by the title of this post, or you may be angry by it because you know what is coming. Either way, brace yourself.

I feel as though family is very similar to what mob bosses are. They single out the weakest link in the chain, then they proceed to hound and beat information out of said person, getting what they want, instead of just going to the source directly. How hard is it to talk to the person you are curious about? I know you all have my contact shouldn't be that freaking hard. Especially if you're in the same town.
First of all, I think it's silly...rather stupid really, but honestly, it's called common courtesy. It's so freaking stupid that people go around the one they want information on.

Honestly, I'm quite pissed, if you haven't figured it out yet. I know that everyone, or most of you, are reading this blog, and it's really disrespectful to sit there and ask my mother for information about me. I'm not singling just one of you out, because everyone has done it. So maybe I should do this, so that way everyone can stop hounding my mother for information, since everyone seems to be so freaking scared of me to even ask.

1. No, I'm not pregnant. When I know something, you'll know something. Let it go.

2. My OB is Dr. Lisa Hovenga, though anyone who is struggling with pregnancy can just ask their OB and get the help they need, as all of them are qualified in helping with that issue.

3. Yes, Mike and I are moving out of the city. We're moving to Craig. I wanted to wait until things were a little more definite, but since no one can just sit tight and wait for me to get around to telling everyone, I might as well do it now. Thanks for not being patient. Awesome.

4. Believe it or not, my mother doesn't know everything that is going on, and she doesn't tell Josh and me everything. Whoever started the rumor that she can't keep secrets, look in a mirror!

5. Much to your dismay, my world doesn't revolve around you.

So, now that I've established the points, let me elaborate a little.

Not pregnant yet. Wednesday, I go in to have an xray done, to make sure that there are no blocks in the fallopian tubes. Once I get that test out of the way, we can proceed to figure out what else is going on. I'm still on Clomid, and I'm dealing with the side effects of that. It's a little daunting and a bit upsetting that no one, except my mother and Mike had bothered to ask me how I'm doing, and help me through what I'm dealing with. It sucks to realize how much your family "cares." Whatever. I know where I stand, and have stood for years. Thanks for making it even more obvious.

You might be confused as to why I put my OB's name in the blog. I'm tired of people asking my mom if I am pregnant, getting the answer of no, and then proceeding to tell her that "oh, I know people at work who are struggling and would like the name of her doctor so that I can point these people in the right direction." Honestly, if these people have any brains of their own, they might know how to look it up themselves, or hell, why not just ask your OB that you have? As I mentioned above, every OB is qualified to help in that area. Oh, and thanks for rubbing salt in the open wound about my having a hard time getting pregnant. I appreciate it.

Mike has accepted a position in Craig, Colorado. It's a nice smaller town, with so much out there for us. Mike's new job will allow him to continue to grow as a pharmacist and as an individual. Memorial, here in the Springs, is like prison, except the prisoners these days have more freedom than Mike ever got at that toxic place. So, yes, we are moving. I'm not sure when, and I'm not sure how long it will take. We meet with a realtor to sign contracts and get the ball rolling. I've been packing already and sorting things for a garage sale. We are having landscapers and painters come out to take care of the house to make it more sell able. If you know of anyone who is looking for a house, point them in our direction.

I know that someone in the family has mentioned more than once how my mother cannot keep a secret from anyone. "Don't tell Cheryl, or else everyone in the world will know." Really? Really?! Have you looked in a mirror lately? I know that I caused huge waves when everyone found out that Mike and I were already married before the actual ceremony day, and guess what, my mom knew about it, and once people started to ask her if she knew, they got pissed off at her for keeping a secret...isn't that what you're all complaining she can't do? So, my mom has known about this move for a while, and I suspect that you've picked up on that fact too, or else the hounding wouldn't have happened. Either way, it's a low blow. Leave the woman alone, and if you have questions about me, Mike or our lives, pick up the phone or connect to your email and get a hold of us yourselves. Stop going through my mother, who has enough on her plate to deal with as it is. We are not in freaking high school or the fourth grade. Let's be adults...

Oh and with number 5...this isn't just pointing at family, but people who are no longer in my life, and friends as well. Believe it or not, my life isn't revolving around you. I don't wake up and think about you, I don't go to sleep wondering what you're up to, and I don't stare at my phone, or check my email in hopes of hearing from you. And what I write in this blog, isn't directed solely at you. Grow the freak up already! You do this to everyone, including your family, so move on. I'm so sick and tired of these stupid games of wanting attention. I don't care! I do have other people in my life other than those who chose to walk away. I'm much better for that choice, don't get me wrong, and I'll never look back on it with sad undertones.

So, I apologize if this completely ruins your thoughts of me, but as I said just a moment ago, I don't care. It's not like it's going to change anything, simply because no one is going to grow up and act their age. It's freaking simple. You want to know about me, or my life, just freaking call or email me. Yes, I am pissed off right now, for good reason. This is the quickest way to piss me off, by going to those around me to ask about me. It's childish, and it needs to stop. You want to make life easier in the sense of having a "Together" family, then stop singling certain members out of the family, stop hiding your plans to go to some one's house, and not invite certain people. Yes, I know all about the outing to the house in Peyton, where a certain someone lives, and my mother, brother and his family and me and mine were not invited. Whatever. It just goes to show where we stand. In the words of some people in this family, "We're not stupid. We can read between the lines and connect the dots."

I'm sorry if this seems too harsh, but frankly, I'm sick of this behavior. Am I really the only grown up left? Oops, I think I've spoken too come the cement shoes...

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