Sunday, May 27, 2012

If You Don't Believe in Something, You'll Fall for Anything

Hey everyone!

So, as promised, I finally have the pictures of the antique dresser that I had stripped all five layers of paint off, and stained. I had a huge helper in my mother, who as I was busy getting things taken care of with the house, she was finishing it up. I'm really happy that I had her help, and I'll always see her hard work when I see the dresser! So, without further ado, here it is!

Here it is, before.

 And here is the finished product!

The garage sale is only a couple more weeks! Time is really flying! I still need to get a lot of things sorted out, before then, in order to make sure that we've got everything that we don't need out of here! So I had a change of location. It is going to be at my place after all. I realized that I didn't really have any way of transporting the big items, such as the pool table, two tables, two mattresses and a futon, so I made sure to update everyone on the changes. The dates and times will still be the same, just a change of location.

I have submitted four photos to two different photography contests. I am hoping to hear something soon. Of course, the contest ends in a couple months, so I'll just have to be patient until then. One contest was an ocean based theme, so I had to submit only ocean related images. I struggled with a few, but managed to find three that would work. The other was anything, so I uploaded a breath-taking sunset picture. Keeping fingers crossed!

Poor Mike had a horrible migraine yesterday! He couldn't see at all, so I'm glad that he made the right choice by staying home. I am hoping that he is better today, as he did go to work, but I'm hoping that he isn't just being stoic.

I ended up mowing yesterday, since our yard had become rather furry, and since the landscapers aren't going to start work on our property until three weeks or so, I felt that it was silly to wait. So, once I had the lawn tamed, I made sure to be ready for when my mom and stepdad came to patch a hole in the wall. I appreciate that they took the time to come over to patch it for us, as we're pretty busy dealing with everything else that is going on.

This last Thursday, I went over to my friend's house for dinner and a movie. We had a really good time. Then that Friday, was games night. Mike finally was able to join us. It was a smaller group this week, but we still had so much fun! We were laughing so hard, we were crying! Before dinner at that games night, I had my friend hide a stuffed bear that I was planning on getting rid of, and had hidden clues around the house for my friend's niece to find. She was so stinking cute! Once she found the bear, she showed her mom. It was then that I realized that I created a monster! She wanted to hide clues for the boys to find, then have the boys hide clues for me to find! It was pretty cute, and I'm glad that she enjoyed herself. I feel only slightly bad that the bear is about twice the girl's size, but I'm sure she'll grow into it!

Packing is still a very slow process, but we are getting there. I'm actually really looking forward to when this is all said and done. I will state that I will miss Willow to death when I'm gone. She's gotten so big, as I haven't been able to see her each week as I have in the past, and she's speaking really well. I'll still have times that I'll be able to come back down into the Springs to see family and my dear friends, and I'm looking forward to those days!  It's going to be tough, but I'm not going so far away, that it won't be possible.

I found a recipe that I so badly want to try, but I also know that I shouldn't be making it. Not only is the timing bad, with the move, but because of the dieting that both of us are on. I may still make them, but will package them into single servings, rather than having the whole thing left out to enjoy. The recipe is a Chocolate Loaf. I hear that it's amazing, and I've always wanted to try it...however, as stated previously, it might not be the right time. Instead, perhaps I should remake some granola bars. =)

Mike spoke with a painter that was highly recommended to us, by our neighbors, and he is planning on starting sometime this week. Of course, this week will be pretty crazy too, as we have a couple of doctor appointments, and the house painter, and everything. I know we will do just fine, but wow...I don't remember the last time I was quite this busy!

Well, I have a lot to do today, and very little time to spare. So, with all of this said, I better get moving...not literally, of course, but I should start doing some work. =)

Until next time!

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