Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Recipe: Biscuit Donuts & Donut Holes!

Now, I have to admit, when I saw the recipe for these Biscuit Donuts, I had my doubts. I figured that they would taste like sugared canned biscuits...not the case!
They are so super easy to make, and the creative sugar combinations that you can come up with, are endless! I foresee making these often!
Mike hasn't tried them yet, and I've only had one of the donut holes, but it's SO good! I encourage you to try them!
Canned biscuits (not flaky) {I used buttermilk}
4T per 8 biscuits melted butter
Vegetable oil (fill your pan to about 1/2 inch or so)
Sugar & Cinnamon*
Heat oil in the pan on Medium-High heat; a couple minutes or so.
Cut holes in the biscuits. (I used a small shot glass, but cookie cutters work too!)
Place your biscuits into the pan. Cook until the side is golden brown, flip over and repeat.
When both sides are golden brown, place them on a paper towel lined plate, to drip off excess oil.
When they have cooled enough to handle with your fingers, dip one side into your melted butter, followed by the dipping of the sugar/{insert spice} mixture. Turn over, repeat for other side.
Note*: For the donuts, I used a combination of sugar and cinnamon, and for the donut holes, I used a combo of sugar and pumpkin pie spice. Be creative, and try other spices, such as apple pie spice, all spice, and more! You never know what will happen when you try! Also, think about melting some chocolate, for the frosted kind!

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