Saturday, May 14, 2011

Here We Go Again!

Hello everyone!

After much contemplating and finally deciding to go through with it, I've actually set up a blog...obviously!

So, you are probably wondering why I decided to write on a blog. Here are the reasons that I could come up with.

First: When Mike and I start having a family, I'd like those who do not live in the nearby area to be able to keep up with what is going on in the Fahey household.

Second: I've been on a crazy cooking/baking kick lately. Trying new recipes and what have you, and I thought it could be fun to post the pictures and recipes on this as well. We eat some pretty awesome and rocking food!

Third: Being a photographer, I'm planning on getting somethings out on this too.

Lastly: I figured that I have the time...why not do something productive?

So, there you have it. Those are my reasons for the blog. May not be super important or great ideas, but it's a start.

Yesterday was the PPCC Art Show 2011 award ceremony. One of my photographs was selected to be hung in the show. There were several people crammed into the small studio to look at all of the work. The awards were already posted, and then were handed out to the artists later in the night. My photo, didn't win an award, unfortunately, but there were multiple comments made by people who looked at it. There was one man who took a picture of it with his phone. As he was doing that, I asked him," So, you like that one huh?" The man told me," Yeah." This is where I said," Yeah? I took it." He then shook my hand, introduced me to several other people, telling them which picture I took, and started talking to me about how interesting water was. He was definitely an odd but nice man.

Once the ceremony was over, Mike and I had left. We didn't stick around for the entire opening show, mainly because there was no reason to stick around. I was supported by my mother, Cheryl, my sister in law, Sarah and my niece, Willow, as well as my husband. I am very lucky to have their support during this experience, and I thank them once more for their support!

The picture is still on display until the 17th. That is when I have to pick it up, unless someone decides they want to purchase it, but I am thinking, not. I had the best help getting the shot that I got from my best friend, Brandi. She helped me two days during the week for a few hours to help me capture the moment. So, without her help, I would not have been able to get this amazing shot!

I did get multiple pictures that are still outstanding, but this was a great picture. If you are wondering how this was done, I put milk in a saucer and had Brandi drop food coloring into the milk.

Mike did tell me that if the picture does not sell, then he would take it to work to hang in the ICU satellite. Maybe then, people will be more interested in my site and it will get my name out there yet again!

School finals are over, and there will be a nice two week break before the Summer Semester begins. I still need to look over what classes to take in the next few semesters.

The weather has been rather bi-polar in Colorado lately. The last few days have been cold with either wind, or snow...sometimes both. I am so ready for the warm! I'm a summer baby, and I need that warmth and sun! I need to head outside and dance my sun dance!

Until next time! Keep the creativity up!

1 comment:

  1. Nice photo. It definitely has a feel of capturing a moment in time!
