Sunday, May 15, 2011

Where is My Kitchen? Oh, Under All of These Dishes!

Hey everyone!

It's been a very interesting day in the kitchen! I don't know what to say! This morning, I mixed up a yummy batch of spicy salsa for a lunch snack for Mike and me, and I can honestly say, that we can not get enough of it! I may end up doubling the batch next time or something, because we blow through it pretty quickly! The good thing about this snack, is that it's pretty healthy!

Here is the recipe: Spicy Salsa

2 (14.5 oz) cans stewed tomatoes
1 onion, finely diced
2 cloves of garlic
1/2 lime, juiced
salt to taste 

fresh cracked pepper to taste
1 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
1 teaspoon cumin
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 teaspoon chili powder
1 tablespoon Sriracha (or other hot chili sauce) This is optional. I have yet to use any!
2 fresh jalapeƱos; chopped and seeded
3 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro (I guesstimate on this. I like the taste!)

Place all ingredients into the food processor and pulse until you reach the desired consistency. (I use the blender, and it still comes out great!)

So after getting our yummy salsa (and cherries for me), we headed into the other room to play some games! We spent the good portion of our afternoon playing, that we lost track of time, and as soon as we was dinner time!

With Mike's help, dinner was ready to be served! We pan-grilled a rib eyed steak, sauteed some onions, and made some delicious seasoned red potatoes!

Here's the recipe: Grilled Steak, Onions and Potatoes

Cook the steak in a medium skillet with a touch of PAM spray as the base. Grill to taste.
Use the steak juices to saute the onions until slightly browned, or to taste.
For the potatoes: Cut up 6 small to medium red potatoes, with skins. Place inside mixing bowl. Add garlic powder and dill to taste. ( I used about 3 teaspoons each...again, I don't measure spices). Mix until all potatoes are equally covered in the spice mixture. Add more if necessary. In a large skillet, add olive oil until the base is covered equally. Heat until warm. Add potatoes and continue to flip them with a pancake spatula until browned. Use a fork to test if it is done.

Once dinner was finished, we began watching DOA. It's a movie based off of a classic video game. Half way through, we both realized that we wanted dessert. Mike also wanted an interesting drink that he hadn't had before. So, I pull out the cookbook. This is what we had to end the night with...

For dessert, I mixed up a quick batch of Rum Balls. This is easy to make, and good to eat. The rum is very subtle, so you can barely taste it!

Here's the recipe: Rum Balls

1 cup of vanilla wafer crumbs
1 cup pecans chopped fine ( Mike and I don't like pecans, so I substituted with mini choco chips)
1 cup powdered sugar
2 tablespoons cocoa
1/4 cup rum (we had spiced rum on hand, so it doesn't matter)
More powdered sugar and pecans/mini chips to roll in. (I didn't use any more choco chips to roll in)

Combine all ingredients together. Form in small balls and roll in powdered sugar and nuts/chips. Store in airtight containers.

Mike's drink was all ingredients that we actually had on hand! We lucked out! It smelled really good, and he has some leftover for tomorrow night!

Here's the recipe: Welsh Posset Cup

2 3/4 cup whole milk (We used skim)
2 tablespoon oatmeal
pinch of salt, or to taste
1 tablespoon honey
2.5 cups Guinness or other stout
1/2 teaspoon of each: Cinnamon and nutmeg, or to taste

In a small saucepan, heat milk, oatmeal and salt to just below boiling, stirring continuously. Remove mixture from heat, let stand for 10 minutes. Strain liquid into a clean pot and add honey, stout and spices. Heat mixture, stirring to combine ingredients thoroughly, but do not boil! Drink immediately!

Once all this baking was complete...our kitchen is a wreck! I did clean up most of it but will have to finish it up tomorrow, as I have no more room in our dishwasher or dish strainer...but that's okay! It was totally worth it! I have so much on my list of meals and desserts to try out! I can't wait! I'm a baking/cooking fiend this week!

More rain and snow mix today, and possibly the rest of the week! But for now, I will sign off, as 430am comes early for bootcamp!

Until next time, let the creativity shine!

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