Saturday, July 2, 2011

Summer Time Has Arrived!

Hello everyone!

It's officially summer! I have the sun burn to prove it! It's actually not that bad anymore, but two days after getting it was tough, but I've always believed that if you baby your burn, it lasts longer. So, I have a nice awkward tan on my upper back.

My mom and I got together earlier this week to continue our work on the dresser. I think we may be nearing the end of that project! I can't wait for it to be finished! It's tough trying to strip and refinish any piece of furniture. I still don't know why the previous owners felt that they needed to paint this dresser four different colors...and of course, the original wood was a beautiful's sad.

I mowed our yard again this week. The weeds exploded with a growing spurt, and I think the rain that we've been getting has helped with that, but still...I just mowed it not too long ago...I wish it would stay short for a while longer. Now that it's all short again, I hope that it takes at least another week or so before I am out there again. I still need to seed, fertilize and kill the moss and weeds, but that will be a project to be done in the early morning when the wind isn't so high.

Today has been a bit of a project day as well. I cleaned the oven, the dishes and laundry. Now I am planning on finishing this blog and working on my photos. I need to finish up with sorting and fixing pictures for my website revamp, and I can't wait for that to be over! It's a lot of work!

Monday is the Fourth of July, and it's my niece's birthday! She will be a year old...where does the time go? It seems like only yesterday when she was born...and now she's a year...crazy! I can only imagine what it will be like when Mike and I have our own kids! I know now that the saying of, "Blink and you miss it," is true when it's your own kids. It is exciting and yet a little scary!

I have only made on new recipe this week. It's more of a drink/shake than anything else. It's great as a snack or something to help cool you off during this season!

Here's the recipe: Oreo Milk Shake

4 teaspoons chocolate syrup
8 Oreo cookies, divided
1 1/2 cups milk
2 cups Vanilla ice cream

Spoon 1 teaspoon of syrup into each of 4 glasses. Roll each glass to coat bottom ad inside of glass. (I only used two tall glasses instead of four small ones). Finely chop 4 cookies; set aside.
Quarter remaining cookies and place in blender. Add milk and ice cream; blend until smooth.
Pour into prepared glasses and top with chopped cookies. Serve immediately.

This week, I am preparing to post more meals on here. I am also hoping to get more projects accomplished this week, but I haven't figured out what else to do. Maybe I will sort through our storage room and re-organize the boxes that the cats love to hide in...hmm.

Until next time!

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