Monday, September 24, 2012

Recipe: Turkey Ranch Club Wrap

After one of our latest trips to Colorado Springs, Mike and I still needed to get some groceries. We made our menu, grabbed our list and keys, and headed to the store. I mentioned to Mike that because we spent over five hours in a car and another hour or two in the store, that dinner would be something really simple and tasty. We grabbed the ingredients for the wraps, and within a couple minutes, dinner was served. We ended up eating seconds, and it was still nice a light.

Turkey slices from deli, sliced at #3
Cheese from deli, sliced at #2 (Mike chose Swiss, and I chose American)
Lettuce or spinach
Tomatoes, sliced
Bacon slices, cooked
Ranch dressing
Tortillas or wraps (We picked up Tomato-Basil wraps)

Lay your tortilla flat on a plate. Place two slices of turkey in the center of the tortilla, overlapping slightly. Lay two slices of cheese on top of the turkey, followed by the bacon, lettuce/spinach, and tomato. Squirt a little ranch down the center and fold/roll your wrap up.


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