Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sometime We Have to Make Good Things Happen

Hey everyone!

Well, I'm not expecting to write much, so this may be a pretty short post, unlike last time.

Saturday was the birthday party of my friend's seven year old daughter. We were told to dress fancy! I did my best! The birthday was quite cute! It was not a typical birthday party and I really liked it! I think that I will steal a few ideas for when my kids have parties! There were stations for kids to have their face painted, get a temp tattoo, or both, if they wanted...sometimes more than one! They even had a coloring station, where all the kids got a booklet of numerous bugs and creatures to color. After that, they went on a bug hunt/safari. Each kid was given a little bug catching kit, and went outside to find bugs. They were really just foam cut outs of different bugs that they put into their little kits. They all really enjoyed that! I was pretty surprised! Presents came next, and the girl made out like a bandit! Lots of great stuff! Pizza and dessert were next up, and I remember kids in my day liking pepperoni pizza, but none of them wanted it, they all wanted cheese! Crazy! Instead of a cake, they had worms in dirt, and for those of you who are not familiar with that, it is simply chocolate pudding topped with crushed oreos or other chocolate cookies, with a gummy worm inside. All in all, it was a great birthday party!

There was a funny moment involving me and some of the other mothers there. One of the moms had asked me which kid was mine. I replied that none of them were mine. She then tells me that oh you're just here for the birthday girl? Well, it's so hard to keep all of the moms in line and remember them all, besides you look really young, but then again, all of them are young these days. After she walked away from me, all of the moms were looking at me as they talked, most likely about me. I just laughed and shook my head. I told my mom this story, and when I went to visit her yesterday afternoon, as soon as I walked into her house, she says," There's the hussy from the party!" We had a good laugh about it, but I told her that I guess you just have to love the Desperate Housewives of Colorado Springs...sad, I know, but there are too many of them and they are all alike.

I got to meet a lot of my friend's family yesterday at the party, and they are soo soo nice! They are really funny and just all around a good loving family. I know that my family is not like that, though I wish they could be, but I know it will never happen, and I have yet to have any other friend's whose families are like this! It was a nice relaxing feeling being around them all! Can't wait to do it again soon!

We got some snow last night. It had been a great few days of nice weather, but we ended up with some this morning. No one is really surprised by it, as it is Colorado weather, but still...I'm a summer baby, I like the warm would be great to have some sun!

I'm excited for this week to begin, but I can't tell you why...not just yet anyways! I'm hoping that things are going to go well enough for me to share with all of you, but for many reasons, I need to just leave you hanging!

Mike and I tried some Thai food nearby, and it wasn't too bad. I think I know what I would order next time that we go. The menu even featured many gluten free items! I told my mom, but I knew that she wasn't a big ethnic food person, so she wasn't intrigued. If I ever need to eat GF, I know that I have many tasty options available to me, other than salads!

My work outs have been put on hold, very temporarily. I think I have tweaked my back and because I have already thrown it out, about a year or so ago, I am not willing to push myself hardcore, and risk damage. It was pretty bad yesterday, and I can still feel it today, though it is not as bad. I may just convince my friend to just go for a long walk until it gets better. We'll see.

I'm excited for the upcoming girls night this Friday. I'm not entirely sure what is planned, but I thoroughly enjoy my time that I spend with these amazing women! One of them is my friend that I work out with, another is her twin sister that I went to her daughter's birthday party, and a lot of them are their friends, whom I've met more than once! They are really refreshing from what I am used to having in friends that I had in my past.

There has been a lot of stresses in my family, that I am hoping get resolved soon. I won't delve into details at this moment, but just keep them in your prayers, as I know that something good, I hope, will come from all of this. If not, well, things could go very differently.

Yesterday, Mike sent me a text that brought a smile to my face. He told me that he is so happy and lucky to have such a special person in his life, as I am always taking care of those around me, regarding my family, my friends and him. He always knows how to make me feel good about what I am doing for others. We even talked last night, when I told him how much pain I was in with my back, that I am a very stoic person. If I am in pain, I don't say anything, I don't talk about it, and I don't really show it, and then I'm always, regardless of my pain/health, making sure everyone around me is taken care of. I smiled, and almost cried. It's nice to know that he can admit it, and tell me that I am more concerned with others than me. I'm not sure why, but it means a lot to me. I do put others before me and it will most likely never change. It's just who I am.

I found this great quote that I wanted to share..."Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it’s better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together."  This is so very true. I think that it is true in every relationship that you have/had. Sometimes, I think it's harder for us to just sweep it up and leave it alone in the trash, than just re-gluing and piecing it again and again. Eventually, we learn that we have too many cuts on our hands, and we need to leave it alone. I often think that this is the hardest lesson anyone can learn. I remember my mom telling me numerous times when I was dating Matt, that I needed to walk away. I never did until I was tired of it all. It wasn't until a few weeks remembering the relationship that I realized how fake and full of lies and unfaithfulness was involved. The same thing is true about many of the friendships that I had. I used to wonder what happened, and some of them would tell me, and more times than not, it was more their insecurities of things that was going on in my life, or things that I said which were my opinions that I held to my own standards, that drove them away. I had to learn that there is a reason why they left, regardless of the reasons, it happened for a reason. It could be that the reason is that I would have suffered more in another way, or someone close to me would have been the ones to suffer. Sometimes, we need to be the ones to say, I don't care what you think, why you did what you did, and move on. When I think about Matt, I think about how silly it was of me to ignore all of the signs. I should have moved on a long time before I really did, and the same thing is true with everyone else that is no longer in my life. The saddest part of it all, after looking back on it, is that this is a vicious cycle that they do to all of their other friends and family. I'm not the first that they have done this too, and I know I won't be the last. There are a lot of people who are never happy with the people or things that they have in their lives, and always complain or get new things, only to be disappointed by them later. That's like asking for more drama. There's no need of them. Life is too damn short. There was a girl that I was friends with for a very short time, as I tried to be her friend, but she never took care of herself, her kids were always being yelled at by her for silly things, and she brought so much drama into her life. She would literally look for drama...a day or two ago, Mike told me that she is in the hospital. She went in for some stomach problems, and then was admitted. Her kidneys failed, and they are hoping that things improve soon. I stopped being her friend, not just because of her want to bring more drama into her life, her need to constantly buy things that she couldn't afford or need, or how she treated her kids, but how she would tell another girl that was constantly trying to get Mike's attention in a very adulterous way that I didn't like her for it. I didn't need that in my life, so I walked away. After hearing that she was in the hospital, I told Mike that I truly hope that she gets better. I may not like the drama inducing lifestyle, or the crazy spending sprees, etc and I may not like her in general...heck, even if I hated her guts, as I do some other people in my past, I would never wish anyone harm or death. I do hope she makes a fast recovery, and I hope she sees this as an opportunity to change her lifestyle before something worse happens.

There...that was my profound moment for the day. Life is too short to hold onto things or people that don't want to be around us or are not good for us. We need to be the stronger person and move forward and never look back. Yes, we can look back so that we have something to learn from, but we don't need the drama. We get that by moving forward and seeing what else is in store for us. Life is full of hard choices, and sometimes, we will not be able to make everyone happy. It will come down to what is right, what is wrong, and what is best for those around us. We may catch a lot of grief over it all when we actually do it, but what if it saves a life? What if is something that will keep us from getting sick or depressed? Maybe it will destroy a family, or a friendship, but sometimes that is just what life has in the works...let's just ride it out and see.

Until next time!

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