Sunday, May 6, 2012

How Much Higher Can We Go?

Hey everyone!

Things have been super busy, but have been super great!

So there have been many bumps in the road, but for the most part, they have been pretty trivial. I don't even think they have impacted my life in the slightest!

Mike and I needed the week break that we just got back from. We grew closer as a couple, but just as friends too. It is always nice to be able to laugh, joke, smile, talk and just be in each other's company and have this amazing silence, and still know that we love each other and will have a lifetime of this together. There isn't a problem that comes up in our lives that we can't face together, supporting each other and helping one another through it, if the situation warrants it. I'm very grateful that I have such an amazing and perfect (to me) man in my life. I've never had to worry about anything when I think over our past, present and our future. I can't wait to see where this will go!
Spending a week in the mountains of Colorado, really helped reset our lives. We were able to get away from the drama in our lives, whether from work or people, perhaps both, but it was just nice to have a little vacation again. I loved our trip to Estes Park, and sight-seeing and shopping, and I can't wait to go back! We even spent a couple of days near Steamboat Springs, and had a good time together! We've talked about the day when we could go on our next International trip, and Mike is already planning that one! We travel exceptionally well with one another, that I can't wait to see where we go next!

Sadly, the trip had to come to an end, and we're back home. It still feels as though we just got back, even though we've been back for a few days. Guess that is the coming down from the trip's high feeling...

Mike and I talked about getting our yard taken care of with some Xeriscaping, and I'm not sure when that will start. I think we discussed getting someone out by Wednesday, but who knows?

This last Friday, I got to go to girls' night with some amazing women. It felt really good to see them again, and talk. We had dinner at Old Chicago's and then went bowling. I haven't been bowling, real bowling, in forever! Needless to say, I was the lowest scoring adult there...but that's okay. I had a good coach in the daughter of a good friend of mine. =)  There wasn't many of us there, but the ones that showed up are great people, and I look forward to seeing them again in a couple weeks! One of them, is my workout buddy and great friend, so I am looking forward to working out with her again tomorrow! It's been a long two week hiatus because of the trip, but I'm excited to get back into the swing of things again.

Mike and I have been looking through some real estate and I must say that I have seen a lot of great looking houses! I've told him time and again, that I'm not one of those crazy women who feels that we must have a new house to call "ours" because it was either bought before them, or when it was with another spouse/significant other. I'm so not like that. I don't care either way. Honestly, we've done so many changes to this house, that it is ours. It's been ours when my things crossed the threshold. He smiles and tells me that he knows, so nothing is too serious...yet. =) Who knows what the future could hold?

I was a little bummed last night because it was super cloudy, and I couldn't get any pictures of the moon. Even when I woke up early, it wasn't very big, and it was still pretty cloudy! Why is it that every time some spectacular lunar event happens, we have storms or clouds? Oh well, there is always next year!

Tomorrow, I need to get some labs drawn. Not looking forward to the vampires that work at Memorial to suck the blood from me, but it has to be done. Okay, I admit, it's not that bad, but it all depends on who you get. There have been some techs that are not very good at what they do, and I have to request a butterfly needle, then there is no issue...I just pray that isn't the case this time, as I will have to do more labs again on Saturday! Yay! Of course, none of these labs are as bad as the time they took 12 vials of blood from me, and the tech was afraid I'd pass out. I currently hold the record in the family as the most vials...any volunteers to top that? =)

I'm looking forward to some new cooking! I picked up a bunch of different ingredients to make my granola bars again. This time, I have stuff to make them with chocolate, butterscotch, peanut butter, caramel, and toffee! There are also a few new entrees that I am looking forward to making as well. I am still searching for a recipe, and I might have found it the other day, for a gluten-free ravioli. My mom mentioned as she was watching my niece, who was eating ravioli for lunch, that it smells so good, and she wished she could have it again. If I can perfect the recipe, and fully intend to make it for her. Who knows? Maybe soon, I will be able to make my own cookbook. Should be fun!

Mother's Day is coming up, and of course, I'd like to take my mother out for lunch, but she may be going out of town. I did make her a photo book of the two of us, but it's tough when there are very little pictures of the two of us together. My mom said that it was because she was taking the pictures, but she has a lot of her and my brother. She couldn't explain that one. Either way, she and my step-dad liked the book a lot. It was a bit bigger than I was expecting, but oh well. I'm glad that she likes it and is proudly displaying it!

Mike and I discussed the possibility of me opening my own store for my photography. Granted, don't get too excited as this is just talk at this point, and we are not researching anything. Just the thought of having a shop and displaying my work, and selling it sounds really exciting! Of course, we also talked about me opening my own bakery too...and that could happen as well, but once again, nothing is set in stone! Strictly talk at this point, but because I'm super excited, I had to share it!

Well, I don't think that there is much more to update you on. There will be a lot of things coming up in the next few weeks, and tons of good news to follow! I can't wait! I've never realized that life could be this grand, but then again, once you let go of the negative things that hold you down, you start to see things in a brighter and happier light and you enjoy life more! So, here's with letting go the bad, and flying to the good!
Until next time!

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