Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Marchin' On

Hey everyone!

There has been a lot of things going on, so let me try and just sum it up, as today will be another busy day.

Memorial Day was spent with family, and as soon as Mike got off of work, he joined us for the barbecue at my mom's house. My mom wasn't doing well, and I felt really bad for her that she was not well, and it upset me to see how my brother and sister in law were not being the parents that they are/should be when at her house. I've mentioned it already to my mom, and I can only hope that once I move, she tells them, without feeling guilty that she isn't doing well, so that they step up and do what they are supposed to be doing in the first place.
We had burgers and played many games. We had a really good time, regardless, and I think that I'll definitely miss those days once I'm gone.

Yesterday, Mike and I had a really busy day. We both had eye appointments, which it has been over ten years or so since my last check-up, and I manned up, which I think most people would never do, and flat out told them that I suspect that I may need glasses for distance and night vision. They did a check-up according to procedure, and determined that I could get glasses, or I could wait another ten years, as my sight isn't that far gone. Mike and I agreed that because we still have good insurance, that it might be in our best interest to just go ahead and get some glasses.

We were told that Target on Powers had an Optical section, but we looked and finally Mike asked someone, and it turns out that it wasn't that one, but a different one about seven miles away. We ended up just going to a nearby Lens Crafters to get them instead. When we were there, we ended up looking through the selections, and Mike picks up one, his first one he reached for and held it out to me to try on. Needless to say, this was the first and last pair that we settled on. It's pretty cute, and I don't have to wear them very often, so I'm okay with getting a pair. =)
The girl who was helping us in the beginning, ended up having to fix one of her co worker's mistakes with another customer. They were really under staffed here too! So the girl who screwed up the other person's order, decided that she would help us. Made for a very interesting fifteen minutes or so. This woman not only insults me, but proceeds to flash both Mike and me, as her shirt was not quite adequate enough to cover all of her. She also didn't know how to take pictures for measurements, as she continued to tell me to raise my chin .03mm (mm = millimeters). I, of course, wouldn't move at all, as it is physically impossible to move according to her measurements. It took her about five minutes to get the picture correct... Once that was finished, she told us to come back in about an hour and a half.

During that time, Mike and I had plans to take my mom and step dad out to lunch, as not only a thank you for everything that they have done for us since we've been here, but also as a sort of good-bye luncheon, before Mike leaves for Craig. We took them to the new place called Tucanos. They have amazing food, and they feature a lot of gluten-free items, (about 90% of the menu is GF), and we had a really good time. My mom made a funny face when I told her what a flan was, as she was eating it. She had no idea, but still liked it, regardless.

After lunch, my mom loaded our car up with a couple of boxes for the garage sale, and came with us, as she was going to help me organize all of the garage sale items, and take inventory so it will make pricing easier, but before we went home, we had to pick up the glasses...

We returned to the Lens Crafters, and ended up having to deal with the exact same girl who was still falling out of her shirt. I so badly wanted to reach over and cover her up, but I knew that I'd get punched. She continued to make her snide remarks to me, and I just smiled and was my sarcastic self, which probably didn't help the situation, but really, I didn't care. When we finally left, Mike and I kept saying, "Wow!" Then I added an old Queen song, "FLASH! ohooohh!" which had Mike laughing as I had to explain to my mom what had transpired.

By the time we got home, the painters had already started, and our painter is very much a sexist, sailor mouthed chimney. So Mike was telling them that my mom and I would be in the garage working on things, and he was okay with it. We had to lock the cats up, as the painter wanted to paint our front door, because it was weather and sun worn, and poor Mike ended up with a nice long and deep scratch down his arm. The cats were freaked, and I couldn't blame them, as we were gone, and suddenly there are men outside the house, banging against it with ladders and spraying the house with paint. I kept apologizing to Mike about the scratch, as it was my big cat that did it. Mike just said that it wasn't that bad, and we should consider trimming their nails again. I foresee that coming soon!
Now each time the painter wanted to talk to someone about opening the door, or whatever, he'd ring the doorbell. Mind you, I'm in the garage, only ten feet from where he was. I would have to walk inside, only to hear him ringing the bell another four times, before I opened it, and he would look at me and say," Oh, there you are." Of course, I'm thinking, I'm still in the garage. I haven't moved. After opening whatever door he requested, I would make my way back to the garage to continue working with my mother. This happened two more times. By the time the painter was finished for the day, he rang the door bell, and I went to answer it, but stopped as I heard him talking to my mom. I heard her tell me that he wanted to talk to Mike. I rolled my eyes, and went downstairs to get Mike. I informed Mike that his sexist painter wanted to speak with him, which had Mike laughing. I was a little annoyed, but this is who this guy is, and I'll just have to deal with it for the week. The painter is not only doing our house, but he will take care of our deck too, and it's all for just $1600, which is dirt cheap for a professional paint job. So, really, I can't complain.

Once my mom and I had finished, with everything that we had in the garage, and most of the other small boxes that we brought up from each room, we rearranged the garage so that they could fit and Mike could park inside. My mom took a few things back with her to her house, just to make sure that she didn't already have copies of the books, or just to have in general, and Mike and I were glad to be rid of the items, as this is the reason for our garage sale. I still need to put the price tags on the stuff and borrow tables, but for the most part, it's all coming together nicely.

Today, the painters will be back. Mike and I have some errands to run, such as grabbing groceries and cat food. I know that Mike is calling to set up some more appointments, and I'm not sure what else is happening. I just know that it will be a very busy day, and I'm hoping for a down day soon!
This Friday is girls' night, and I'm looking forward to it! I am just soaking up all of the time I can with friends, before I end up 5 hours away! There is also a bachelorette party in the works for the 13th, and I'm not sure if I'll have time to go to that or not, and they all want me to go, so I'll have to double check the timing of it all. I'm not sure, but I hope that I do.

I also found some interesting things out, that I'll keep to myself, but I'll say this: Everything that I wrote in one of the last postings, turns out that I was extremely on target. I know this is pretty vague, but I'm sure that the smart people will figure it out. I just had to shake my head and laugh, and say," no I wasn't talked to about anything, and I know that I won't be either." It is what it is, and there is nothing else to say.

Well, I think that I better get moving, as I have a lot to do today. It's going to be another crazy week of packing and spending time with those that I really care about.

Until next time!

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