Saturday, May 19, 2012

Opportunities Always Present Themselves

Hey everyone!

So I had a little down time, before things got crazy busy once more, so I'll have to keep this one short. Unless, of course, I can type fast! =)

Lots of great news have been coming our way, but I need to keep you in suspense just a little while longer.  We are hoping that things will wrap up soon, and then I'll be able to let it all out! I'm excited to share them with you, but until then, just sit tight!

Today, I have a bridal shower to attend. My best friend's sister is getting married next month, so this is the shower, and I know there is a bachelorette shower in the works, though I am not sure that I'll be able to attend that one, then again, who knows?

As you might have seen in the last post, I made my cupcakes, but they sort of imploded on themselves. Even my friend's cupcakes did the same thing! She did tell me that once in a while her oven does that, so I know it wasn't any baking error on my end! They still taste great, though they are a bit on the rich side for me. Mike likes them, so that is all that matters! I might try that recipe again another time, but right now, it's too crazy to even think about doing something that time consuming! I was supposed to make Twix Brownies, but Mike and I demolished the Twix, and that recipe will be put on hold.

Mike is excited for dinner tonight, as I am making another batch of the Sausage, Egg and Buiscut casserole. If you haven't tried this yet, you must! This is a fabulous meal, and great for breakfasts!

I will be hosting a garage sale on the 8th, 9th and 10th next month at my friend's house! Starting time will be at 8am and closes at 5pm, most likely. With school being out, this seems to be the perfect time. I still need to go through our stuff and make sure that I have everything for the sale, and then I need to buy stickers and signs, as Target's selection was nil. Maybe I'll just make one out of cardboard or something. It's worked in the past, then again, there are other stores that I can try. =) So, feel free to stop by! Just let me know if you want the address of the sale and I'll send it along!

Thursday, my lovely mother came over to help me finally finish the dresser. With all these crazy things going on in my life at the moment, I have to say that my mom did all of the work on Thursday. The dresser looks amazing, and I'm very thankful that she took the time to help out. I'll post pictures as soon as the stain has had proper time to set and I can put the drawers back in. Even Mike saw it when he got home that day and said that it looks beautiful. Of course, anything is better than five layers of paint, with the final paint color being yellow. Honestly, painting antiques or wood in general, should be outlawed! If you don't like the look of wood, don't buy it! It's that simple. But, with a lot of hard work, it's finally finished and I can't wait to start using it!

Mike has a massage later today, and he truly needs it! Poor guy has so many knots in his back and feet, that I can only do so much before he just needs to get someone to really pound them out. He'll feel better for it too, so I know that this is a good thing. Maybe he'll use the hot tub tonight as well, but we'll see.

It was raining here a little bit ago, and it felt so nice to be out in it, even for a short spell. I miss the rain, but I don't miss the rain that I experienced in Galway. That was too cold, and too much at the same time. I just wish we got it here more often.

I ran into the sister of someone I knew today, and I just smiled and moved on. I'm not going to be the one to cause problems, and I'm not going to be the one to hold a grudge. I don't care if it gets back to her sister that she saw me, and frankly, it doesn't matter what is said about me. I'm a much happier person moving on. Oh my gosh, could it be that I've realized how much better off I am? I guess that is a sign of being strong enough to walk away...

This last Wednesday, as Mike was busy finishing up some important meetings with landscapers and such, I was busy getting fillings. I have two more to get on Monday. Yay me! (yes, I'm being facetious) It's not so bad actually, all things considered. It's been about three years since my last visit, and I already knew about one of them.

Mike and I have more appointments this coming Wednesday, and then the week after that. There are a lot of things going on, but better now than to wait until things fall apart. I figure, once these appointments are over, we'll have answers and we will also be able to move along in our busy lives!

Well, I don't think that there is much more to update you on. I've got a ton of things to accomplish before the shower this afternoon. So, I better get a move on.

Until next time!

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