Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Busy Nothings

Hello all!

It's been another long spell since I've last updated the blog. I guess I don't have the discipline to write daily online, but at least I am able to write in it more than once a month! That's a plus!

So, there really hasn't been anything major going on in the world for us. The most recent things have been that Mike has been doing his PT weekly, but has been doing his exercises at home almost daily, and he can feel a difference, which means it's working, and it's a good thing!

I'm working on my last few folders of pictures to redo the web page, and after those are complete and the site is updated, then I will meet with a photographer here in town to discuss the essential tricks and skills I need to perfect. I'm hoping to get this off the ground soon, and I am sure that Mike would agree full heartily! Even though I have done a few weddings and portraits, it's not near what I am truly aiming for.  Little bit at a time, I suppose.

I surprised Mike last night by finding some rather cheap tickets online for a football game in Denver. The Broncos are playing the Seahawks, and I know how much football season means to him, and he has been such a trooper the last few years about selecting which games are important to him to watch, and I've gotten his time when there isn't an "important" game playing, and this is one reason that I thought about doing this for him. The other reasons, aside from being in love with him and wanting him to be happy, is because he does so much for me, and I wanted to do something special to show him that I appreciate everything that he has done, and continues to do for me, not to mention the things that he sacrifices for me, and for us. Going to a football game and actually seeing it live, might give me more appreciation for the sport. I love hockey, but there is nothing better than seeing it live, and I am hoping the same is for football.

There are a few recipes that I will also add to the blog once this is finished, and there are some that I can see making again, but changing the rules slightly to better help make the process a lot easier. One in particular is the Oreo Truffles that I made a week ago. The recipe never said to cool the batter before dunking into the melted chocolate, so needless to say, Mike and I had our hands full trying to make it work. So I will add in my notes to make sure that you cool the batter first! But the bonus of that dessert, is that we had a lot of melted chocolate leftover, so we bought some strawberries and had them with the rest of the melted chocolate! It was yummy!

Tomorrow, I've got to try and figure out why our lawn mower isn't working, and then I can actually tame the furry lawn that is our yard. It's mostly weeds, but at least it's green! From a distance, it looks like grass! That's a plus, right?

Not much going on...we are going to a games night on Friday night after Mike gets a haircut, since his hair is getting really long! Aside from a few gray hairs, he looks younger with longer hair, but he looks better with shorter hair! Either way, I'm happy, but I know he prefers shorter! My mom's birthday is on Friday, and Mike and I will be stopping by to visit with her and eat lunch with her. It will be a good day on Friday, just rather busy and social.

Well, I think that about covers everything!

Until next time!

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