Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Another Long Break

Hello everyone!

Sorry, once again, for the late postings. It's been a rather odd ball month.

I'll spare you all the details, but things are getting better and are starting to look up. I've been slacking in the writing department in general. I haven't even touched my personal journal in about three weeks, and I usually write in it every morning, usually pages upon pages worth, but I've neglected that as well. I really need to set some time aside for this blog.

The weather here has been a constant rain/thunderstorm every evening, and sometimes during the entire day. I love rain and thunderstorms, though I used to hate them growing up, but nothing compares to Mike and my experience in Galway! Nothing comes close to it! I think that when it happened, I told Mike that I would never complain about rain again, and I can honestly say that I don't believe that I have yet!

Our yard is looking green, but as I mow it, I notice that it's all clover and moss in places with sections of good grass, but mostly weeds. I think that eventually, we will have a nice yard, but until then, I can settle with green!

Mike had his first PT session yesterday, and I think it went well. There are a lot of details that I feel shouldn't come from me, but things are fine, so to speak. I will be reminding him to do his daily exercises and make sure that he stays on top of them.

There have been a few new recipes that I have served up to Mike, some with his help too. It's always nice to have his help preparing meals and just being domestic! It may sound silly or even dumb, but I really enjoy those moments with him. It's almost as if we are being romantic in every mundane task in daily living. I think that in order to have a healthy and happy relationship, with anyone, you need that ability to just fall in with one another, whether it's running to the store, cooking or cleaning or even when you decide to shake things up a bit and travel or go out on a date together. All I know, and I'm about to get all sappy, but Mike makes me truly happy and I am so ecstatic to be married to my best friend! I know a lot of people who can not say the same thing, and I wish they could experience what I feel for Mike.

I'll set aside the mushy/sappy stuff for now, and move on. Mike is working a really hectic schedule this month. He's been working 5 days with 2 evenings, with one day off, followed by six days in a row, with one day off, with another five days on....I feel for him. I remember doing a similar schedule when I was working there, and I know that he really needs two days off in a row to recoup, but it seems as if they don't really care. I also know that they are short on staff right now, due to vacations and maternity leave, but still. I just wish that it was more of a set schedule, but unfortunately that is what happens when you work in a hospital. It comes with the job. He has to work holidays too, so it will make getting together with family difficult as it has for the two and half years we've been together. I just wish that everyone would understand that.

So, I will be trying to post more often. I've got a few recipes coming as well, so be sure to check them out!

Until next time!

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