Saturday, March 24, 2012

I Can't Believe that it's Saturday!

Hello everyone!

This week has seemed to just disappeared on me! I feel as though it shouldn't be Saturday already. It feels more like a Friday...

Anyways, let's see what I have to update you on. The last time I wrote, I was surprised that I had so much to say, and so recently since my last update. Let's hope that I can do it again! =)

Our tree is growing nicely. I was watering it the other day and there are blooms starting to show as well as some leaves! I can't wait to see it bloomed! I love these kind of trees, and there are none of them in our neighborhood, so it's going to be one of a kind! The tree isn't the only thing that is starting to bloom. My rose bush, and the lilac bushes are starting to bloom as well. I think in the next couple of days, I'll be cleaning out our garden beds that side the walkway to our door, and start planting some wild flowers. I've also picked out a spot for our sunflower seeds, and I am still trying to figure out the ideal spot for the garden. I've got about three to four spots picked out for that, but not 100% sure if that is a good spot or not! I'm so excited that this is getting off the ground this year! I can't wait for the first harvest of the season! Pictures will be coming as soon as I get around to taking them!

Mike isn't doing very well today, and will be coming home early. He switched days off so that he can rest tomorrow too. I hope that he gets better soon! I was going to make a citrus game hen tonight, but instead, I'm going to make a homemade chicken noodle soup to help whatever ailment he has.

I finally got some curtains up in our bedroom's bathroom window! I did get frustrated by how stupid the drill doesn't like to work, so I just did it the old fashioned way, after wasting a good 30 minutes struggling. For some reason, the drill doesn't like our walls, the outer walls that is. I had no problems hanging pictures with the drill in the past, but it really hates our exterior walls! So, out came the hammer and nails, and up the curtains went, just in time for Mike to get sick and needing a dark room to rest in. I couldn't find a good color for the curtain, except black, so that is what I had to use. I figured that it would be a good place holder until I could find something better. The stock was limited at the store when I went shopping, and just opted to use the black.

The weather here has been so warm! Yesterday, it was in the 70s, and today, the thermostat is telling me that it is in the 90s, which isn't true, as it is sitting in direct sunlight, but I was burning up all day! I know that most of my hot flashes are due to the Clomid, but still, I turned on the air! I had already changed into shorts and t-shirt, but was still sweating! I know that the air will be turned off, but still, I was happy to feel it!

I'm so close to finishing the dresser, that it is in reach! I know that there is still some work to do to it, but once the sanding is all done, there isn't anything left but staining! I can't wait to see what this piece of furniture looks like once it's all done! Just a little further to go!

Mom had her driveway redone. It looks nice, though she will be unable to drive or walk on it for about 5 days. I was expecting her to take Willow outside to put her hands into the wet cement, but I don't think that is going to happen.

This round of Clomid is not much different than the first time I took it. I think the symptoms have started earlier than before, but I guess I also know what to expect! The hot flashes are annoying, but I can live with it, it's just the nausea involved! I had to force myself to eat something today, just to keep my strength up with everything that I am doing. I'm hoping that it will ease up soon!

Cooking has been an adventure! If you haven't noticed yet, there are a ton of new recipes that have been posted! I made Irish stew with Mike's help last night, and I baked a Spiced Zucchini Cake with Maple Frosting. This is a great dessert! I had a lot of frosting left over, and was eating it was really yummy!

My mom and I got together on Thursday, and she needed to go to the Trading Post inside Garden of the Gods to replace her earrings that she lost when we went to the zoo with Sarah and Willow a few weeks ago. I ended up buying Mike a pound of a variety of fudge and a Bourbon Chocolate Bar. My surprised me by buying me a necklace and earrings to match that I say there, and liked. Those are my birthday gifts, and she kept telling me to remember that she already gave me my presents. I thanked her, and I am planning on wearing them on my birthday, if not sooner if the timing fits.

I told Mike that the next time I go to Lowes or near one, that I'd look at exterior paint colors. The house is in desperate need of painting. We just don't know what to paint it, or when. I figured that I'd grab a random set of colors and have a talk over them with Mike. I might even surprise Mike with re-staining our deck as soon as it is sanded down. I figured that I can start working on that once my dresser is complete. There is so much to do!

I ordered the birthday gifts for the daughter of a good friend of mine, who's birthday is coming up soon. One of the gifts will be for her to wear at her party, so I need to find a time to see her again. I already see her aunt every Monday through Friday, so I'll try and set up another girl's night and give it to her then. I know there is a games night this week, so I'm hoping to go to that. Mike and I had a lot of fun the last time we went, so I am hoping he gets better soon so that he can come with me!

I'm also doing more research on schools in Denver for me. I haven't decided on the one I've looked into already, but I have a feeling that it may very well be the best that is out there to be offered. I'll keep you posted as soon as I find out more.

There might be some prayers being answered here in the next few weeks, regarding Mike and me, so please keep praying! I'm staying positive on this, probably more so than Mike, but he knows the situation better than me, that is, he knows what to expect. Either way, I think we're close!

Well, I guess that is pretty much it. Not much more to say. There are just a lot of projects to finish up and more cooking to do and post! Check out those new recipes! Some of them will knock your socks off!

Until next time!

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