Monday, March 26, 2012

The Start of a New Week

Hey everyone!

I know that I don't have much to say this time, so I will just make this one a short posting.

Mike has been sick for the last few days. He spent most of the time in bed sleeping, and some reading, but each time he would move, he'd feel worse. I'm seeing signs of improvements, though I am sure that I'll end up jinxing it as soon as I post this! =S

This afternoon, Mike saw me go towards the kitchen and had asked me what I was going to make. I wasn't going to make anything, to be honest, but I asked him what he would like me to make. His reply was simple: "I want you to make more of that cake."  Mind you, he's referring to my Spiced Zucchini Cake, which really is quite tasty. We only have two small pieces left! His comment to me after continual helpings was that it tastes so good, and it's moist, from scratch, and not from a box or store. I did have to laugh and smile that he likes it so much, and everything he said is completely true! I have a feeling that I may be making this cake more often!!

As promised, I finally grabbed some pictures of our new tree with my phone, as I was multitasking. Our tree finally started to bloom! I can't wait to see them completely open up even further than they have already! It's exciting to see something take off where other plants have withered up and died.

I also have big plans for the rest of our yard. Not so much on the grass front, as we have talked about getting someone to either survey the yard to restore it, or just spending the money to have it Xeroscaped. I keep pushing for the latter, just because it would save money in the long run, but we'll see. I am planning on making another venture out to a Lowes to look at paint for the outside, as well as buy another pot for my indoor Aloe Vera, and the soil for the garden. There is a lot to do this summer...I just hope that I have enough time and/or energy!

I spent last night trying to order a surprise for Mike, but the site's cart was down and I couldn't get the item ordered! I ended up chatting with a live rep in hopes to have the issue resolved. They ended up extending my coupon for an additional three days past the expiration date, which was to expire today, so I was happy with that. I gave the rep a good customer service survey, including their name, and just now, I was able to order it! Yay! The item was free, so that saves me $35 dollars or so, but I did have to pay for shipping, so that was only $9 of money spent. I'll take that over $40 something. I just hope that he likes it! I would tell you what it is, but I can't given the fact that Mike does read this blog too!

Well, I suppose that there isn't much else to say. Mike and I have a games night to go to on Friday, maybe it will just be me, but there will be a games night regardless. I am getting ready to do a hard-core workout with a great friend, and looking forward to it. We took a week off for "spring break", and now we will return to our routine tomorrow morning. I'm going to push myself hard too! I'm planning on bringing some heavier weights than what she has at her place. I'm going to make this happen!

Well, anyways, I better make sure that Mike is doing okay. Maybe next time I will have more to update you all on.

Until next time!

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