Saturday, March 24, 2012

Recipe: Traditional Irish Stew

After Mike and I returned from our honeymoon, I bought a cookbook that is titled, Celtic Folklore Cookbook. We have used this book for so many of our meals. It's not like the food we had back in Ireland, but it's good none the less. Mike found this recipe in the cookbook and asked that I make it for him. How could I say no to that face? =)
Getting the lamb is always the hardest part as I usually miss the truck and all of the lamb has been bought and I have to wait another two or three days, but I get it! I can't believe how much lamb I have had since being with Mike! I'd never had it before, and now, sometimes I crave it!

Here's the recipe: Traditional Irish Stew

3 pounds lamb neck chops, trimmed of fat, bone and gristle (I asked for a 2lb lamb roast and cut it up at home)
2 pounds potatoes, diced
1 pound onions (I had one onion and one leek)
1/2 tablespoon chopped parsley (I used dried and to taste)
1/2 tablespoon fresh thyme (I used dried and to taste)
2 cups water (I think I put in 3 to be safe)
Salt and Pepper to taste

Cut meat into pieces. Peel and slice/dice potatoes and onions. Layer half of the potatoes in a saucepan, then half of the meat and herbs, and finally half of the onion. Season each layer to taste and repeat the process. Pour water over and cover with a sheet of foil as well as the lid. Simmer gently for about 2 hours, occasionally shaking the pan to prevent sticking. Add liquid if it seems too dry, but a good Irish stew should be thick and not like a soup.

A stew boiled is a stew spoiled. ~ Irish Proverb


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